Lowering "What the Thunder Said"

Hey everyone I need some help, does anyone know any way to lower &quotWhat the Thunder Said&quot so I can continue raising Stomy-Eyed, preferably without going to the Raving-Mind (or something, 7 nightmares/not mirror-marches).

If you have a ship you can head out to mutton island instead, where you can gain stormy eyes without nightmares. But I’m not sure of a reliable way to decrease your dreams (other than letting nightmares reach 8)

Oh right, mutton island, guess I’ll go there then. I’d seen that way but forgot about it, thanks.
edited by Rui Rodrigues on 8/19/2017

[quote=Rui Rodrigues]Oh right, mutton island, guess I’ll go there then. I’d seen that way but forgot about it, thanks.
edited by Rui Rodrigues on 8/19/2017[/quote]
You will most likely be there anyway for the Zee festival. Just go then and raise Stormy-Eyed when you’re done with the festival.