Lost Correspondence

My character has fought against nightmares and economy to gather enough resources to find out the route for the Tomb of Seven; then she reached it just before her rivals could ruin all her efforts (Rival’s Progress 9).
Finally, she held in her hands the Correspondence Stones. She returned to the slightly-more-mapped part of the Forgotten Quarter and found a vicious deviless aiming to usurp her conquest.
Now, due to a catastrophic misreading, the Stones are seemingly gone forever in the Tomb-Colonies, along with a cherished relationship with the Brass Embassy (24 levels of connection with Devils).

My question is twofold:
-Can I recover the Stones (before entering the University, possibly)?
-There are ways to bring Scholar of the Correspondence to 3 without Stones or access to University, or now I have to farm Memories of Distant Shores?

You have to get to the University and draw this card at Watchful 90 - no other way exists.

SotC can be raised in the Forgotten Quarters, the Court, and the University without the stone - the stone just give you the first point. If you have the Fate-locked pet Corresponding Ocelot it can give you a point everytime its card come up.

Thank you for the exhaustive answer, I’ll start building Muscaria Brandy then.

There is not much urgency or incentive to get the stones back, so you might want to wait till you can reliably steal Brandy from the flit later on with higher shadowy.