Lord Mayor - and what it means for London?
I know this is the second thread about the title but I feel the first one is too focused on (in my opinion) mostly inconsequential part of The Jovial Contrarian’s speech. Yes it was probably a stealthy insult since he knew whoever was going to win was going to be a female so he arranged the title of Lord with Her Majesty in advance. Great we got it out of our system. Now what I am way more interested in - is the rest of his speech.
We all know the office of Mayor is corrupt, shambolic and altogether unfit for purpose. Therefore, as my last act, I have abolished it. I have put in an appeal to Her Majesty. From now on, London shall have a Lord Mayor instead."
I’m fairly sure we all remember the previous Election. Contrarian was always interested in change and yet since his ascent to office we haven’t witnessed much change. Have we? He seemed rarely present in everyday life, his presence at seasonal events and holidays was very subdued to non-existent… It makes me ask - what was he doing in the meantime? Sure we can try to find meta-reasons for his absence - FBG were busy with releasing new game so they didn’t have much time to develop his story-line. But that doesn’t sound like FBG that I know and admire to me.
Let me pose a few questions. We know The Jovial Contrarian was coming to power as a Revolutionary and with the primary goal to challenge and change the corrupt bureaucracy of London. Now he outright states as much in his speech. Yet he also comes with a solution of sorts. One allegedly approved by the sovereign of London. Do you think he’d go through all the trouble just to give his successor a spiffy title and humble her a little? All of you who voted for him - do you think the Contrarian is really that vain? What he hasn’t mentioned and what hasn’t been shown yet is - what are the other changes that come with this title? By his own statement - the office of Mayor was corrupt, shambolic an unfit for a purpose.
- How will the new position of Lord Mayor be different?
- What stake does Her Majesty have in it?
- All the candidates of this year’s Elections were riding on the promise of stopping an upcoming harmful event? Do you think the The Contrarian doesn’t know about it? Is it possible he might’ve made some precautions? Some early preparations to allow his successor to wield some real power to actually help London?
- Or was he just a different version of Feducci? Completely self-absorbed narcissist interested only in milking the office for all it’s worth and enjoying himself at parties?
I’d like to think there is plenty more happening behind the scenes and I do expect quite a lot of changes happening to London, upcoming Seasonal events and the general status quo of London. And I’m curious what you all think about it. It might be just my crazy mind running on 24+ hours without sleep but I smell a conspiracy…
edited by Tyr_Teg on 7/30/2019
edited by Diptych on 7/30/2019