Looking to Engage a Thief for a Small Matter

I find myself in need of first city coins from a certain museum, and of a skilled burglar to retrieve them. I understand the opportunity would also provide the chance to obtain quite a few other small treasures. If that is insufficient, maybe I could provide assistance in the removal of nightmares, or the lessening of scandal about one’s person.

I’ve never done that (but I definitely have the stats for it), and I’d be delighted to go on a heist for you. (Hell, I even have 30 coins lying around I could gift you.)

Thank you oh so very much, and I’ve sent the formal request in-game. Any further charity would be above and beyond.

No problem! You should have your coins by tomorrow.

I just saw the message in my (rather untidy) inbox. Thank you, especially for the sentiment. 'Tis a fiendishly grindy quest to try and go alone.