Looking for patrons of any type, thanks a lot!
User: Astlys
I’d be glad to be your patron. Send me a card!
How do I do that? (Sorry, I’m relatively new to the mechanism.)
I tried putting your name in the “Add a contact” box, but it isn’t showing up in the “Select a Contact” one?
Also, I’m pretty sure I never sent cards to all the people in my “Select a contact”, so I don’t really know how they got there.
The not having sent cards would be because they did the card-sending bit – only one person needs to do it. There is actually a “needing influence” thread here that people can sign up to.
If you look below the left-hand box, there is a “people I can’t contact” option (or similar phrase). If you click that, it will tell you who they are and why not. “Needs qualities” is a common one – or they may be in a part of the Neath not served.
But since you’ve come on here and we’ve met you now, people will presumably be in touch! Nice to meet you and all that.