Looking for editors!

(This request isn’t about something in-game, so I’m not sure if I should be posting here. The only reason I’m doing it is because the Salons seem to be rather inactive.)

I’ve made some headway on my Fallen London/Sunless Sea(/Silver Tree?) lore wiki, but it still has some broken links and general incompleteness in basically every respect. Plus, my parents are getting annoyed because I’ve been working on this waaaaay too much, so I can’t really continue to do this alone. So if you happen to be interested in the lore (including geography) from FL, SS, or The Silver Tree, I’d love your help!

(The link to the wiki is in my signature. If you have a question about how to format a page or something like that, write on my wall [my username is Birdadmirer]).

Update: Thanks to the one and only NiteBrite for being the first person to help me out! I look forward to seeing her edits around the wiki! :D
edited by KestrelGirl on 9/4/2015

Just a heads up, but the link in your signature is broken.

Additionally if you have Sunless Sea installed, most of Fallen London’s art are available at your disposal in a tidy folder.

One more thing - that drawing on the Master’s page - are you the owner of this page? It might not be the best idea to stick someone else’s fanart on a wiki without credit, although you might have asked them in the first place.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 9/4/2015

Just fixed the signature issue. I do not have Sunless Sea, though I’d like to get it; that’s why I’m having trouble finding all the art outside the official wiki.
I forgot to add credit for the Masters art and now have done so.

Thank you for your help!
edited by KestrelGirl on 9/4/2015

Just a note to you (and anyone else who may have yet to purchase Sunless Sea), the game is 40% off on Humble Bundle right now, making the price an absolute bargain at $11.39 USD. That discounted price is only in effect until tomorrow at 10 am PST though, so don’t dawdle!

[quote=KestrelGirl]Just fixed the signature issue. I do not have Sunless Sea, though I’d like to get it; that’s why I’m having trouble finding all the art outside the official wiki.
I forgot to add credit for the Masters art and now have done so.

Thank you for your help!
edited by KestrelGirl on 9/4/2015[/quote]
I’d suggest not using fanart at all. It’s a slippery slope, taking art from the internet.

I’d suggest not using fanart at all. It’s a slippery slope, taking art from the internet.[/quote]
I’m generally not using it everywhere else in the wiki. The thing is, there just isn’t a big enough picture of a Master that isn’t fan art. Nothing from Sunless Sea or anything.
Gemma, I have heard about the sale via Twitter, but I think I’ll wait until there’s a Steam sale.

You have the option of activating it on Steam still! That’s exactly what I did.