Locomotive headlight.

Something I really miss about sunless sea is the ship’s headlight. It added to the atmosphere of discovery and the darkness of the neath. However, in skies we have no headlight. Maybe they thought it would take away from the train astetic, but trains most certainly can have headlights. I hope they bring it back, even if it were only visual with no gameplay aspect. It would help me figure out the background from the foreground. They could even make it slowly raise your heat when you have the light on so it would be dangerous to have on during combat.

did you mean to post this 4 times

[color=#6666ff]Whoops, I think your finger slipped ;) I’ve deleted the other 3 posts. [/color]
[color=#6666ff]Thanks for the feedback on this one.[/color]
edited by FailbetterFuzz on 10/26/2017

To my knowledge, locomotive headlights were a specifically American innovation because of the rougher terrain and longer journeys that trains had to take. Would still be a nice addition to the game, however.
edited by Malcolm Harris on 10/16/2017

I don’t know if it’s just from my SS experience and habits, but I do feel like there’s something missing without the light.

Also, should it get added, I think it’d be a really nice addition to its riskiness if driving with it on had a small chance of triggering a menace event, such as “Something vast has seen us”. I’m thinking it could be done in the same way as the various over heating events in SS, to add an element of fear to shining a bright light into relative darkness full of monsters.

Make it a correspondence lamp, even, if you want to find out what the squealing of a thousand fans sounds like.

[quote=Malcolm Harris]To my knowledge, locomotive headlights were a specifically American innovation because of the rougher terrain and longer journeys that trains had to take./quote]

[color=#6666ff]I did not know this![/color]
[color=#6666ff]As for Skies, I don’t think we’ll be introducing a headlight to the locomotive, however we do need to think about the issue of being able to confidently tell what you are going to crash into and what you’ll fly over (other than firing your weapons at something). Our designers are still mulling this one over. [/color]

I definitely did not mean to post this 4 times, I’m so sorry!

[color=#6666ff]No worries, it happens to the best of us ;)[/color]

Perhaps a simple switch that causes a temporary outlining (like a light that’s only on for a second that outlines what are on your level but not the background) would be an easy compromise between &quotwhat’s up here and what’s down there.&quot I really like the layered look but I have had quite a few occasions where I’ve avoided obstacles that actually weren’t in the way. ^^;
edited by SouthSea Rutherby on 11/2/2017

[quote=SouthSea Rutherby]Perhaps a simple switch that causes a temporary outlining (like a light that’s only on for a second that outlines what are on your level but not the background) would be an easy compromise between &quotwhat’s up here and what’s down there.&quot I really like the layered look but I have had quite a few occasions where I’ve avoided obstacles that actually weren’t in the way. ^^;
edited by SouthSea Rutherby on 11/2/2017[/quote]

[color=#6666ff]Yes clarifying what you can hit is definitely something we’re working on. Of course there are already the little red lights around most of the ports and homesteads, (in contrast the green ones on bridges which show where you can go under) and we’ll be making a tweak to the map soon so it’s clearer what is on the same plane as the player and therefore collidable. But we have other ideas planned too ;)[/color]