Lilac in Black

Any non-spoiler comments on the Lilac in Black code? I’m trying to decide what to do – I don’t think I’ve left anything done with the Clathermonts since I haven’t seen Clathermont content in ages and there’s nothing in Veilgarden for me to do, but I honestly can’t remember where that storylet left off. I’d love some special content on it, but I’m also hesitant to waste an opportunity to nab Lilac, considering that like everyone else she’s been incredibly absent. I suppose given the obscene amount of Nex Failbetter has succeed in getting me to part with this feast I could just spring for the Favorable Circumstances and use that, but since I kind of blew the Pentecost Ape code, I’m gunshy about blowing this one.[li]

Following her gives you some beautiful text, but the rewards aren’t great, and you’ll have to wait ten years for her to show up in your hand again.

If you want, there are a few people who have echoed the result of following her in the Weekly Code thread; you can not and say you did.

If it helps, she’s been made Abundant, at the moment-- or she was when I played the code this morning.

How can you access this content?

I worked, many thanks

There is new Clathermont content at Ladybones, just in case anyone missed it. DO play that first. :D Very exciting.
A question though, I completed that storylet, then chose to follow Lilac instead of summoning her, while the content is lovely, it doesn’t seem to relate to the Clathermont story? Do I need to wait until I see her again to continue that? Should I have summoned her card instead? Worried I’ll lose the new Airs quality before I see her.

[quote=Inky Petrel]There is new Clathermont content at Ladybones, just in case anyone missed it. DO play that first. :D Very exciting.
A question though, I completed that storylet, then chose to follow Lilac instead of summoning her, while the content is lovely, it doesn’t seem to relate to the Clathermont story? Do I need to wait until I see her again to continue that? Should I have summoned her card instead? Worried I’ll lose the new Airs quality before I see her.[/quote]

You’ll need to wait for her card to show up. Don’t worry, though; you aren’t missing out on anything as far as we can tell.

You still have time. The Clathermont content opens another option on Lilac’s card. That’s where all the cool stuff is.

fun fact: if you summon the Lilac card and do not properly exit the card’s storylet but rather hurry off to drink Dark Drop Coffee so you can actually do something, you will lose the card.[li]

You lose the card if you hit perhaps not as well.

I assume that the weekly code snippet storylet becomes inaccessible if I go straight to the Lilac card I already have on hand and ask her if she knows anything about tattoos? (Advances the Entwined quality to 15 according to the wiki.) When it comes to content I haven’t experienced I prefer to take the scenic route.

I had the Lilac card in hand already and used it to talk to her. I then played the weekly snippet after getting my tattoo just to see what following her would do.

Has anyone betrayed her to Mr C? Would love to read a journal entry

I was remiss in echoing it, but I have some details.


A daughter hints that informing Mr. Clathermont was futile, and that he won’t find her. You’re given an assortment of pretty high tier items as a reward, but it locks you out of all the theatre and tattoo content. Of course, if you manage to track down Violet again, you can repay her those items you receive plus a little extra to reenter her good graces.

Lilac in Black! Not Mr Sacks!
Been gone a year - she’s glad to be back!

It’s an earwormy* sort of Feast. Haddaway, this, plus, from what I’ve heard of the tattoos, one of them prompts some serious Gorillaz-dancin’.

  • We call them “earworms”, from the German word for earwig. Why don’t we call them earwigs? It is a mystery.

Too late did I realise that I should have just watched the play instead of asking questions. Did anyone catch the beginning and the middle?

What do I choose!?

Tsk… I wanted to “show her” but… agh ! I’m upset now. I can’t take the only option that I like. :/

[quote=dragonridingsorceress]What do I choose!?[/quote]I think Seeker of Names chose well. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity.