Light Fingers. A child is born?

and how do I get them?

I believe one of the Relickers has Puzzle-Damask. Alternatively, you can get them by using/trading in the Thirsty Bombazine Scrap item in your inventory, if you have some.

If you don’t have any of those, you can use up Whisper-Satin scraps to get them, and if you don’t have any of those, you can use up Surface-Silk scraps to get them, and if you don’t have those you can use up Silk Scraps to get them. But that’ll be horrendously expensive if you really are starting from the bottom layer like that! There’s got to be better ways. I know you can get surface-silk in bulk in Polythreme, and I know I’ve accumulated a bunch of whisper-satin scraps but I don’t know from where.

[quote=Inpiun]This is what I’ve written down :

5 Whirring Contraptions
20 Aeolian Screams
2 Puzzle-Damasks
20 (?) Correspondence Plaques
24 (?) Amanita Sherries
1 Warm Amber.[/quote]


Dr. Vaughan can go to hell. I am through with Dr. Vaughan. She is by far the most annoying leg of my Ambition.

Allow me to explain. I was entangled with a certain iron box at the same time as I was seeking Dr. Vaughan for more information about that creature in Clarabelle’s belly. So I had actually tracked down AND MET with Dr. Vaughan, IN LONDON, and in fact, bribed her with a puzzling map, at the EXACT time as I was trying to seek her out at the University.

Oh how I raged when I had to grind up that expensive bribe at the University to &quotfind Dr. Vaughan&quot, when I had JUST seen her in London, to be told that she is on an expedition at zee. Then, tracking her down after an arduous zee-journey, only to be told that she won’t speak to me unless I am the right sort of person.

Well you bet your beetles I am the right sort of person, considering I spent all that time taking care of and rescuing that crazy broad and her sister that I barely knew, infiltrating and burning down the Orphanage and now taking care of Clarabelle with that monster in her belly and even taking her out to zee for helpALL without a single word of thanks or gratitude. Why the hell am I even obligated to help these people? OF COURSE I AM THE RIGHT SORT OF PERSON. Why the hell should I join a club and buy a cab to prove it?

And now, she STILL won’t talk to me, because in the interim I had gotten kicked out of the University. At least I can farm some beetles at the island, I thought, so I can make whirring contraptions to finance my paper. But now I find out that in the future, Dr. Vaughan will want FIVE whirring contraptions and God knows what else?? To hell with Dr. Vaughan and Clarabelle too. The Masters can have them.

In fact, if I had any sort of free entity in the game, I would promptly betray the both of them to the Masters. I’d even offer to dispatch them myself.[/li][li]
edited by Rowan Dusang on 5/12/2013

This is how I imagine that it would play out, if I had any free will at all:[li]

I would go to Mr. Fires, since I am allied with Mr. Fires, and sell out the location of Dr. Vaughan and Clarabelle. Hell, I would deliver Clarabelle straight into its hands, and I would even apologize for burning down the Orphanage. These people do not deserve my help.

This makes me want to make another character to play this ambition! O_O

I do recommend it, despite the wretched Dr. Vaughan. I had actually started out on the Heart’s Desire ambition, but actually paid fate to restart on Light Fingers based on forum recommendations.

Hmmm I will stick to making a new account, but speaking of Heart’s Desire, try it again, it’s pretty good!

Finally got enough whirrling contraptions to coplete this step. This had better be the last of it. I need a break from zailing for a bit. It takes most of the day even in my zubmarine just to go one way.

It’s kinda funny how we start this ambition hoping to steal a large diamond (which paints us as needing money) and the storychain ends with us being expected to have ingrained ourselves into society enough to have 7 Respectable points and a position within the University. In short, I do not know what the ending goal is for my thief. Does he still want money? Has he devoted himself to helping the Music Hall Singer and her sister? Is there something else we want from this whole affair?

edited by Owen Wulf on 11/29/2013

We started off attempting a jewel heist; discovered a major government conspiracy; earned one of the Neath’s most mysterious and dangerous operatives as our foe; and are at risk of witnessing the birth of an unearthly horror. We may also have picked up a practical use for the Correspondence to perform a kind of magic, and discovered secrets too terrible even to sell. Whatever our original intentions, this situation has gone X Files on us in a major way. I figure that at this point, we’re just trying to come out alive, help the survivors, and see what’s left over once the dust has settled.

Well I still intend to filch myself one of those living diamonds as it seems certain we’ll be going up there soon enough. Though the thought of 4 million echoes mentioned at the start of the Be a Legend ambition still sounds like it would have resulted in more money. Still, having played the all four ambitions most of the way through I can say that light fingers has been the most interesting.