Letters from the Surface

I awoke, the morning after one of Mr Wines’ revels. Thoughts soared through my head. Gant… Wells… Zee…

I heard a knocking at the door of my Orphanage/Townhouse. A letter? Addressed to: Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick, Orphanage at Fiacre’s Foot. Well, it is for me, but my orphanage is on Childcake Street.

I opened the letter:

You may not escape what you have done. I know where you are.
I know why you are there. I will meet you at the junction of
Takepenny Street and Bad Monkey Row, at Midnight.
We must discuss the plans you have. If you do not turn up, the
Constabulary will know everything you did on the surface.

Oh. Him.

[i]Watchful is increasing…
Shadowy is increasing…
Melancholy is increasing…
Nightmares is increasing…
Suspicion is increasing…
An occurrence! Your &quotLetters From the Surface&quot quality is now 1!
edited by Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick on 1/16/2019
edited by Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick on 1/16/2019
edited by Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick on 1/19/2019
edited by Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick on 1/19/2019

That night, I trudged over to the junction of Bad Monkey and Takepenny. I had arrived fifteen minutes early, so I watched spies running like maniacs, under orders of players.

The mailman saw me, again, and brought me a second letter. I would read it once I got back to my Townhouse.

I waited. And waited. A hunger broke, but I waited still. A silhouette approached myself, and I felt a fear.

&quotCome on, you know I bite less than you.&quot

[i]Shadowy is increasing…
Austere is increasing…
Steadfast is increasing…
Suspicion is increasing…
An occurrence! Your &quotLetters From the Surface&quot Quality is now 2!
edited by Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick on 1/17/2019

This has become a part of The Goosey Gazette. For anything beyond here, go to The Goosey Gazette once a week.
edited by Sir Wensleydale of Hardwick on 1/19/2019