Let's talk about Crooked-Crosses

Judging by the type of payment they receive, they seem to be in the employ of Hell. Is this true?
I’ve been a Conjurer for quite some time and this is one of the reasons why I refuse to advance. It just doesn’t fit my character. He’s on cordial terms with devils but he has no qualms about double-crossing them when it suits him. He certainly wouldn’t be working for them in earnest. Not to mention that he doesn’t care about matters of religion.

It also seems odd to me that you start out as a pickpocket and end up as some kind of twisted missionary. When I started down this path, I expected to become some kind of cat burglar by the end of it.

What are your thoughts about Crooked-Crosses?

Yep. Crooked-Crosses are paid by Hell to undermine Christian morality. Presumably, they recognise Trickers’/Conjurers’ capacity to defy social norms, and capitalise on it. It is odd, but all the advanced professions are odd.

I can’t remember the exact wording, but I recall that the failure message when trying to become a crooked cross is quite beautiful. The priest you’re trying to corrupt resolves to be worthy of the woman he loves.
edited by Beau Mercy on 7/13/2016

Seeing as my character had already sold their soul, engaged in betraying a certain rower to Hell, got involved in the soul trade and is currently living in a guest room at the Brass Embassy, I felt the Crooked Cross profession was a natural progression for my character…

I mean, the companion for the Trickster class has always been implied to be in the employ of Hell, right? You always had a loose connection to them, and once they deemed you capable enough, they put you fully in their employ.

[quote=Relm]Seeing as my character had already sold their soul, engaged in betraying a certain rower to Hell, got involved in the soul trade and is currently living in a guest room at the Brass Embassy, I felt the Crooked Cross profession was a natural progression for my character…

I mean, the companion for the Trickster class has always been implied to be in the employ of Hell, right? You always had a loose connection to them, and once they deemed you capable enough, they put you fully in their employ.[/quote]

I picked the Trickster profession from the Urchins card instead of Hell so I’m not entirely sure whether my imp is a devil or a particularly irksome little person.

Just a quick one: It always occurred to me as perfectly natural for devils to double-, triple- and quadruple-cross each other in spades all the time. I’m running a Crooked One myself, and she has totally no qualms about crossing absolutely anyone, be it Bee or Bishop, when- and however it suits her, as many times as she wants. ‘Do As Thou Wilt…’ etcetera.

Edit: BTW, she is of course currently fixing… stuff for a certain clergyman. :)
edited by Reshemin on 7/17/2016