KNIFE AND CANDLE: A Glitch or a Feature?

I’m new to the underground league of Knife and Candle, and something strange happened yesterday that I’m not sure is intended. I tried my first attack about 5 days ago (right after gaining a Sense of Urgency) against one of my contacts. Since it was an elusive attack, I got some pretty sweet gear.

However, when I was sleeping last night, I received a message saying that &quotA Circumspect Ambush has left <the fine gentleman I previously attacked> defeated!&quot Clearly I did not attack him, as I was asleep, and had not received a sense of urgency for several days.

Is this supposed to happen?

There seems to be a problem with the email server at the moment, and it’s sending out notifications well after the event in question. That’s probably all it is.

I doubt it. First, the message itself was different, as the first time I got all his items (cloak, knife, etc).

Second, I got another Iron Knife Token and Prize token.

I guess you are in the Iron League so when he got an opportunity to try to get his items back he took it but lost.

Sounds like he attempted to ambush you and failed.

Sounds like he attempted to ambush you and failed.[/quote]

Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?

He’s attacked me three times in a week. Seems puzzling, as I have only found myself able to do so when I gain a Sense of Urgency.

He’s attacked me three times in a week. Seems puzzling, as I have only found myself able to do so when I gain a Sense of Urgency.[/quote]

The top-tier lodging cards (i.e. from Guest Rooms at Brass Embassy or Premises at the Bazaar) all provide a branch that provides the same function as a Sense of Urgency. Even without these lodgings, drawing the Soft-Hearted Widow or the rare mood cards also provide the same opportunity.

Dinner invite too.

What about a dinner invite? I saw no mention of it on the wiki.

Maybe the Polite Invitation? It’s the closest I can think of, at least.

That’s the name of the card, I often can’t think of it’s name, just the function of it.

Asides from the top tier lodgings cards (Bazaar, Royal Beth, Brass Embassy) these cards also offer K&C attacks:
A dusty bookshop (mood card)
A little omen (mood card)
An Implausible Penance (requires Criminals: Favours 1)
The Soft-Hearted Widow (requires being a POSI)
A Polite Invitation (requires being a POSI)
edited by Cecil on 8/31/2015

One small correction:
The Implausible Penance card doesn’t consume Criminal Favours if used for K&C (though I believe it’s still required in order to draw the card).

edited by dov on 8/31/2015

Oh, it doesn’t? It used to consume some connected, so I thought it would consume some favours. I’ll edit the post.