Just a Simple RP

The American nods and sips their coffee thoughtfully. “I had a lover too, once. And I lost him as well. Better to not fall in love at all.” The person offers a handkerchief to the Daughter with a sad smile. “Too bad we never take our own advice.”

Gracious Daughter took the handkerchief with a murmur of thanks. She laughed a little at the last comment.
&quotAh, yes. But I must find a lover, so that i can get married.&quot
She wiped her tears with the handkerchief and took a big gulp of her tea. American noticed the inelegant behavior.
Gracious Daughter looked at the handkerchief in her hand debating if she should return it now or later after she cleaned it.
If… If she was going to give it to the American later, then they must meet again.
Her eyes didn’t leave the handkerchief as she took another big gulp of her tea and thus emptying the cup.
edited by Blank on 9/20/2015

&quotPersonally, I never did understand marriage. Maybe it is because I’ve never really loved anyone to the degree that others claim to have. But being stuck with one person forever just seems like a dread bore. Lenore is the only companion I need, and even then he still gets under my skin all the time… some quite literally.&quot The Masked Man scratched at his arm a little after that last part.

The American pretended not to notice the Daughter’s white knuckled grip on their handkerchief. They leaned back in their chair, and for the first time, truly looked at the woman across from them. They were quite beautiful, truth be told, and her momentary vulnerability made her look young and innocent. All of a sudden her face morphed under the American’s gaze to the woman from the other night, and her red stockings. She had been just about the daughter’s age, though she seemed much older, with such an enticing smile…the American gripped the table to recenter themselves in the present.

The red-haired woman lifted her gaze from the kittens’ antics and addressed the Gracious Daughter directly: “It should not be difficult to find romantically inclined company in the honey dens, if that is what you truly seek.”

&quotOh please, the honey dens are no place to find someone who will last, no offence to bohemians but they aren’t exactly know for staying with one special someone, I myself included in that particular demographic. Although my usual haunts aren’t much better for finding an ever lasting partner, as well as I assume that you want someone of some status.&quot The Masked Man lifted his mask just enough to take a drink from a previously hidden flask.

Hmm, what’s this? The small, local, she might add, cafe seemed to be rather busy. How awfully strange, it was never this busy. In fact, it seemed to be empty most days. What had she came here to do, ah never mind that. Some caffeine would help get her back into shape. She walked through the doors of the cafe and promptly seated herself at an empty table, occasionally glancing at other people. Most seemed to be involved in a conversation, some of which seemed rather serious. She sighed abruptly and waited for a waiter to come and take her order. Once he arrived she ordered a chai latte white some extra spice and caffeine. You could never go wrong with tea. She then began to wait for it to arrive, staring out the window at the people passing by.

Edited for grammatical errors.
edited by Concede on 9/26/2015

Seno had been listening quietly partially intrigued partially getting ideas for his new book.

&quotMarriage… quite an interesting concept… maybe I could write about this…&quot He said thoughtfully then noticing a woman who walked into the cafe gracefully moves from the chair over to the table the woman was sitting at and flashed his legendary smile and asked with an intriguing tone, &quotHello hello! My name is Seno maybe you recognize me but I do not recognize you, may I inquire your name?&quot

“It’s Udorie A. Faine, but call me whatever you wish.” When she speaks you notice she has an unusually strong German accent but from her pale skin it seems that she’s lived in the Neath for a while. Her voice is unusually smooth and thick, like honey. She flashes you a smile back, it looks natural but at the same time plastered onto her face. Her hair is black and perfectly combed out but at the same time put into a sloppy bun, she also seems to be wearing a pair of deep green glasses. The waiter comes by her table and gives her a cup of chai. “How wonderful thank you dear.” She then redirects her attention to you. “Hello there dear, Seno. That’s what you’d like for me to call you, correct? I don’t believe I know you but it’s most certainly a pleasure to meet you.” She thrusts her hand out to you, it seems she wants you to shake it.

A tall man walks into the café, an adorably bedraggled kitten as well as a suit jacket on his shoulder. He sports an expensive vest, a scarlet tie and polished shoes. His skin is pale, and his posture austere. A small amount of freckles are visible on his face, fitting in rather well with his messy light brown hair. His swamp green eyes seem to be relaxed, though they take account of everything around them. He smiles as he silently enters and closes the door behind him, quickly taking a seat in a corner of the room. The kitten immediately jumps off his shoulder and wanders off to collect secrets for his owner. These secrets will surely be a measurable bounty-- That is, if he manages to catch him. &quotMint tea, please.&quot He says when the server arrives. The order is accompanied by a winning smile. The waiter nods, blushing, and as they walk off, they don’t notice the customer swiftly picking one of their pockets. He wonders if anyone saw him. It would surely damage his reputation, especially with the Empress.

//Stats (with objects):
Watchful 99
Shadowy 32
Dangerous 44
Persuasive 90

Udorie flicks her attention over to a man who walked in. He’s sitting in the corner of the room. Shady individual, and what’s this? You could’ve sworn you saw him reach just a bit to close to the server. While you talk to Seno you look around the room. The café is full of animals. There are kittens everywhere, most of the kittens linger close to their owners but one messy looking kitten seems to be wandering around the room, she doubted it was doing so aimlessly. Cats are full of information, albeit not very reliable. Perhaps this one was stray, how was she to know, but then again dealing in the business of secrets herself she had a feeling it was not. She sipped some of her chai while watching the kitten slink around the room, it was incredibly funny to watch the young cat stalk around. She loved cats, she had a starveling cat herself but they could most certainly be devilish creatures when they feel like it.

The so far unknown man would smile once again when the waiter arrives with his tea. He’d pretend to pick up something off the floor and slip a fake diamond necklace out of his sleeve. &quotExcuse me-- Did you drop this?&quot He’d slip it around her neck and receive a few giggles. Judging from her face, he knew she wouldn’t be coming round to collect payment for the drink. Satisfied with his work, he leaned back and sipped his tea. His eyes made contact with those of Udorie. As for the siamese kitten, he had already begun collecting secrets, though tripping and bumping into things more often than full fledged Neath cats. Nevertheless, the cat approaches the woman eyeing his owner. If one ventures the more hedonistic and Bohemian parts of London, surely they would have heard of the scandalous Vincent Åsmund.

Hmm, the kitten seemed to be watching her carefully. Perhaps it belonged to the man in the back of the room. “Is this your cat?” She watched the man for a response. They oddly seemed to go together. She stood up and moved closer to the small kitten, it seemed to be very cautious, not that she would blame it.

He’d raise his eyebrow, still sipping his mint tea. After some time, the man would carefully and silently place the cup on the table and nod. “He is. His name is Caesar.”

She sat back down and folded her hands, taking a long sip of her chai. “What an interesting name, is there perhaps a reason why you chose it? Maybe a story behind it, there might not be , obviously, but it’s not like you named him Mr. Fluffington.”

“Caesar is a much more appropriate name for a cat than Mr. Fluffington,” the red-haired woman observed. “Your choice of that name shows both good sense and taste.”

Ohoho what have we here, new people to meet and greet? A small little woman, a very dinky thing she was, strides into the cafe and plops down at a seat with a cheery smile, waving a waiter over and ordering a coffee. This was none other than Sharalin, or Sarah Vorcish as her peers in the scientific field would know her by.
Oh what a joy to see such people about, she loved busy places, such nice gossip and whispered secrets to hear, and new people to acquainted oneself with! Her owl, Soobrah, however, seemed none to amused as he remained perched atop her hat and glared around at the people and animals in the cafe.

&quotA finally some with a somewhat more practical companion.&quot The Masked Man said to the chipper newcomer. &quotDon’t get me wrong, cats are lovely, but nothing quite beats an avian accomplice now does it?&quot He sat down across from the newcomer since it seemed his previous conversation partner had gone off.
&quotSo based on your countenance I’m assuming you are a women of science? I’m not very well acquainted at the universities, but I can their followers very well at this point.&quot Then he lifted his mask slightly to take another drink from his flask.

At the sight of the newcomer, the American lifted their head and caught the owl’s glare. They coolly raised an eyebrow at the owl and angled themselves toward it, tipping their hat in the process.

“Yes, yes I do agree.” She says to the red haired woman. “I hate people who name their cats or anything honestly something as arbitrary as that. It shows they put no effort into that name and if I was a cat I don’t think I’d want to be called Mr. Fluffington, no matter my gender.” She puts down her cup of chai and exhales slowly.