July's Exceptional Story: All Things Must End

You can always return to Tannah-Chook.[/quote]
Where you go to begin to return Tannah-Chook from London? Set sail and then you will reach Tannah-Chook?

You can always return to Tannah-Chook.[/quote]
Where you go to begin to return Tannah-Chook from London? Set sail and then you will reach Tannah-Chook?[/quote]

Yes, you reach it by your own boat.


I went with the Surface answer after hesitating quite a bit, but I thought “when my time comes, I’d rather have a grand, dramatic ending… it would make for a good epilogue to the epic of my life down here!”
So the Undertaker’s precise answer really took me by surprise! :D
She instantly made it to the top ten of my favourite people in the Neath, and I’ve only known her for a few days…

I’m really pleased we got a story about age and death. I do like those. Well, I went with the Surface as well since I’d like a clear-cut ending. This pleased me for a good thirty seconds…then I realized I’d just end up in the Far Country which appears to be the Tube during rush hour. What even is the point in death if things never actually come to an end. Well, at least I can go looking for my grandfather while this bridge is hopefully getting built.

Awfully sorry about releasing Beatrice, young fellow, but sometimes you just have to let go.

Since I saw no definitive answer, I set zail myself and have confirmed you need to take the postal barge for the initial journey. It will not show up if you take your own ship.

Wow, I only just realized spacemarine9 designed this story … This is the first time I actually noticed him “on the other side” since we heard he had joined FBG. I hope you are having fun over there! I recently shot 777,777 rats in your honour!

There’s specific text (when you return via the post boat) where the captain says he’s retiring and will not sail to Tanah-Chook again. It seems you only get this one chance to visit.

I informed the Undertaker that I was rather intent on never dying.

You can return with your own ship; you just need to take the post-boat the first time.

I’m currently exploring Tanah-Chook after having my final conversation with the undertaker, and am having a grand old time of it. The place seems decently profitable, especially for pre-POSI characters; I’ll stay a while longer and figure out the most efficient carousels. Between the nice rewards and slow but cheap menace reduction, I may well find myself coming back to this place once in a while when London’s worn me down.

My only quibble is that I went straight to the customs officer without interacting with the fisherman, and after my first meeting with the undertaker there was a fisherman greeting me outside. It would have been nice to see the customs officer again, instead of this complete stranger.

edit: how much Approaching Journey’s End does zailing to Tanah-Chook require?
edited by Anchovies on 7/4/2017

I’m in the process of evaluating the Ways of a Small Republic carousel and the possible routes. I have returned to London and am unsure if my records are accurate. Can anyone still at Tanah-Chook check the time requirements for “Pick up the page…” at the market and “Pilfer the book…” at the library?

“Pilfer the book…” is 1800-2059.

“Pilfer the book…” is 1800-2059.[/quote]
“Pick up the page…” is 1400-1659.

Just finished it. One of my absolute favorite exceptional stories of all time. Top three, without a doubt. To try and list individual elements that I liked would take up pages because I liked every single element of the story, but let’s run down the top five, in no particular order:[li]

  • The Undertaker[/li][li]A new permanent location to visit[/li][li]Beautiful and extraordinary choices about death, framed in a way that both poses the questions as philosophical ones and as in-setting practicalities at the same time.[/li][li]Another way to flip off the Judgements, which is my character’s main goal in life.[/li][li]The final choice, especially the third option. It’s so beautiful!

Olivia and Caolain I love you both!!! <3 <3 <3

Can anyone let me know what the results are if you admire the zea in the first ride over?

Did anyone pick the first choice for the ultimate selection, and can they share the echo or PM it to me?
EDIT: The ultimate selection in the Exceptional story itself, not the Epilogue.

I picked the third choice because I feel that it’s the most suitable for my character, and because it’s in my opinion the least worst of the three… But even then, I think that there’s a certain nobleness in the other choices as well. For the first choice, the Undertaker would be reunited with her mentor too; I’m curious about her thoughts if we had picked that one.

edited by Dungerson on 7/11/2017

Regarding returning to Tanah-Chook, it says

This is my first exceptional story and I really liked it. I’m at an awkward precipice in the game where I’m not quite a POSI but I’ve completed pretty much everything available to me, so I really welcomed the new content. Despite her creepy portrait, I was quite enamoured with the Undertaker.

I must say, the entire story had me gripped from beginning to end, especially with the promise of yet more mysteries to uncover with the next ES. Which is why I must ask: My current character has unfortunately not been able to snag Web of the Motherlings in time. I have some Fate burning a hole in my pocket. Will I be able to purchase it and still enjoy the Seasonal Epilogue once the three stories have passed? I am quite fearful of having completely missed the opportunity by not unlocking it in the Seasonal Hub.

Yep! As long as you’ve played all 3 stories you can play the epilogue, it doesn’t matter when you play them. So just pick up Web of the Motherlings when it’s made available on the Fate page and you’ll be fine.