July's Exceptional Story: All Things Must End

Thanks for the tip, will definitively look for it when I have some free time!

One of the few landmarks of the Unterzee that has the common decency to stay in one place.

So far this story has what is unironically my favorite thing in Fallen London: delicious, delicious flavor text and exploration. Iā€™m also not a Tomb-Colonist junkie, but Iā€™m really enjoying getting to know a bit more about some of them.

Well, I got stuck in a challenge to pick between Subtle and Daring and I had 15 in both. Gained no daring but Subtle went down to 14. This is, as always, total crap. I worked up to 15, why should I be actually forced to lose 15 in one or the other?

Does anyone know if itā€™s possible to return after the end?

It is permanently unlocked!

Thatā€™s good to know, I wanted to check before I permanently locked myself out of seeing something.

This is one of my favorite stories. The moths, the revolutionaries details, details about death, and more.

Plus a new location on my ship.

Lovely words, and a much-needed break from the general misery of Fallen London! I think Fred is on the ball about Tanah-Chook being pleasantly swell.

Excellent story, I was especially interested in the lore about the far country, something that have been slightly haunting me ever since the story of the trip with the Boatman. But while an Emergence doesnā€™t sound like the worst thing in the world this story just confirms why immortality is my characterā€™s foremost ambition, and why I am so glad for my Destiny.

It is probably just a coincidence but I find it interesting that a subtle theme for both these stories have been insects (or arthropods to be precise) with sorrow spiders in the last and frost moths in this one. Fingers crossed for something scorpion or scarab related in the Second City story, given their influence in ancient Egypt.

[color=#e53e00]Please send in a support ticket: support@failbettergames.com. There was a small bug that has now been fixed - but you might have slipped through before it was. [/color]
edited by babelfishwars on 6/29/2017[/quote]

Me too. Reported via support email. It happened when I had to reload after completing the third task.

Love it though. After the frenetic election the stately pace and evocative writing is a welcome break.

Do I have to take the postal barge, or will my own ship get me there?

This story made me sad because it reminded me how long my quest for Hesperidean Cider is taking.

By the way, how long does it take to get the epilogue card? Iā€™ve burned through 30 cards already with no sign of it.

Iā€™m back from the rebel Tomb-Colony and waiting for the epilogue card, and may I say: what an absolutely lovely group of people. The Undertaker was a sweetling, and I wish her well. Iā€™ve learned a great deal about human anatomy, why Tomb-Colonists are so athletic, tea, and the after-after-afterlife of the Neath. And grand schemes are at work, and I hope it stays fine for them. What an excellent story!

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So, What was everyoneā€™s remark to the Undertaker at the end ?I went with the mothy answer.

Still waiting on the epilogue card, but gosh, what a surprisingly sweet story. Super excited to have a new place to stop off for a while when Iā€™m wandering aimlessly around the Unterzee, too, definitely going to be spending some more time in Tanah-Chook in the future.

Speaking as someone whoā€™s been playing intermittently for ages but only recently started seriously engaging with the premium content, is the origin of frost-moths new information, or have I just not come across it in the past?

[quote=Advocate Klee]Still waiting on the epilogue card, but gosh, what a surprisingly sweet story. Super excited to have a new place to stop off for a while when Iā€™m wandering aimlessly around the Unterzee, too, definitely going to be spending some more time in Tanah-Chook in the future.

Speaking as someone whoā€™s been playing intermittently for ages but only recently started seriously engaging with the premium content, is the origin of frost-moths new information, or have I just not come across it in the past?[/quote]
Youā€™ve not come across it. Well, I mean, some of the stuff is new, but where they are born from is not. Itā€™s a thing referenced in Sunless Sea and in high-renown Tomb Colonist stuff, andā€¦ maybe somewhere else, I donā€™t know, those are the ones I can think of off-hand.
edited by MidnightVoyager on 6/30/2017

[quote=Advocate Klee]Still waiting on the epilogue card, but gosh, what a surprisingly sweet story. Super excited to have a new place to stop off for a while when Iā€™m wandering aimlessly around the Unterzee, too, definitely going to be spending some more time in Tanah-Chook in the future.

Speaking as someone whoā€™s been playing intermittently for ages but only recently started seriously engaging with the premium content, is the origin of frost-moths new information, or have I just not come across it in the past?[/quote]

Same here, getting worried now. Itā€™s been a good 80 cardsā€¦

I am also very curious about this. If nobody answers, I will probably try my ship as soon as I am done with the Election.

I believe thereā€™s some information about it you can uncover during a stay in the Tomb-Colonies during your scandalous exile, but itā€™s been a good while since I was there so I might be wrong.