Item & Route Sources (Possible Spoilers!)

I thought I’d start a little reference guide for items and routes that have sources other than buying them from one of the shopkeepers/asking Harjit for directions! I’ve only found a handful myself, so I’d be delighted to know what others have discovered.

First of all are the items and routes that players begin with, based on their chosen background.
Dockworkers start with a Sailor’s Top and the route to the Tentergrounds Synagogue
Tailors start with a Tailor’s Apron and the route to Hogslain Market
Aristocrats start with an Elegant Cloak and the route to the Landaus’ Townhouse
Criminals start with a Prison Jacket and the route to Ferret’s Shop
Academics start with an Academic Gown and the route to the Devils’ Townhouse
Undertakers start with a Black Coat and the route to St Albans Protomartyr

Then, there are the routes that characters will give at certain levels of closeness or on the completion of quests.

Horatia will give the Tailor’s Apron if befriended and the route to Hogslain Market if paid the overdue rent.
Archie will give the Posing Specs if his quest to buy medical supplies from Ferret is completed.
David will give the Reading Specs if helped with his memory.
Harjit will give the route to the South Bank if befriended.
Mr Pages will give the route to the Sunken Parliament if befriended and the Black Coat if seven census forms are turned in.
Ivy will give the Elegant Cloak if befriended.
Ferret will give the Prisoner’s Jacket and the route to Hogslain Market if befriended and Algernon at the beginning of a quest.
Rachel will give the Spirifer’s Fork (I think after she’s helped with a plot?)
Barqujin and Batachikhan will give the Amber Brooch at the beginning of a quest.


Have you found the South Bank to have any purpose outside of the Feast?

Not yet, but there may well be uses I’m not aware of.