Is there any way to change my ambition?

when i first started the game, I didn’t realize that ambitions were long quests that you’re stuck with. And now im stuck with Light Fingers when I’d much rather pursue the ambition of Heart’s Desires. Is there any way I can change my ambition?

There’s one way that I know of, but it costs 50 Nex.

There actually is an option in Light Fingers. Not sure how far along you are though.

Yeah, I only know about the one that costs Nex too, which is real money. Didn’t know about the option in Light Fingers, though. I wish I had the Light Fingers ambition instead of Heart’s Desire… haha

I couldn’t be more happy with the “Bag a Legend” Ambition, but I hope there is a way to pursue the other Ambitions once they complete the storylines. That doesn’t sound crazy right?

You need Lethean Tea Leaves to reset your ambition; the easiest way is to buy them, but you also encounter them somewhere along the line in Light Fingers - I haven’t yet done so, I’m at ‘level’ 25 of LF and just below 60 in stats - sorry, but I don’t know yet where along the line it appears, you’ll have to ask someone more experienced. :/

EDIT: perusal of the wiki here informs me that the Tea Leaves appear at ‘level’ 36, requiring Persuasive at least 75 to get there (I’m just skimming as I don’t want to spoil it for myself). So you can either build up to that level - and who knows, you might even begin to find it interesting along the way - or invoke fate to gain the Leaves. Whichever you choose, best of luck!

Owen Wulf wrote:

Sounds perfectly reasonable, and, incurably curious as I am, I also very much hope to be able to pursue all four Ambitions in time :)
edited by Corentin Os on 10/2/2012
edited by Corentin Os on 10/2/2012