At one point in the heart’s desire ambition, it is possible to obtain a reported location of a one-time prince of hell. Does anyone know if this is a one-time thing? Or is it possible to sell it for a tidy profit and obtain another from the same source?
Not without massive investments of time and fate.
You can’t farm them alas - once you use that option it changes your value of HD so you can’t use it again.
Specifically, if you use Lethean Tea Leaves (50 fate), you can reset the Ambition after acquiring the RLoaOTPoH and redo it all again. I’ve tried that and was able to get approximately one RLoaOTPoH per week.
All in all, it’s not a profitable venture (worse than AotB and costs 50 Fate per loop to boot), but if you need a lot of Locations (7, 77 or 666) for roleplaying reasons, it’s better than waiting for scraps.
That’s not entirely true. The Reported Location of a One Time Prince of Hell is a 3200 option for one of the relicers (I want to say the catering relicer), so you could farm them that way if you were so inclined.
It’s not a very efficient method of gaining Echoes though.
That’s not entirely true. The Reported Location of a One Time Prince of Hell is a 3200 option for one of the relicers (I want to say the catering relicer), so you could farm them that way if you were so inclined.
It’s not a very efficient method of gaining Echoes though.[/quote]
Farming traditionally usually refers to something that can be done with an indefinite number of actions. storylets and carosels, in other words. There are exceptions, but that’s usually the usage i see here.