Iron Republic

So the Iron Republic live up to its &quotfame&quot and randomly give or take points of Hearts or Pages, but how does it work?
Is it tied to the Days of the Iron Republic quality?

No. It’s completely random, I tried multiple times, coming and going, saving and reloading, and it’s random.
You can, any time you try to compile a Port report, either Lose or Gain 1 or 2 points of either Pages or Hearts.

But I also have discovered 2 other things.

A rare &quotsuccess&quot when giving your Port report to the Admiral will give you 2 points of Terror and 5 Fragments. It could be variable.
The difference from having the report come up blank?
It explodes. Yup. The only victim is apparently the admiral uniform.

The second is much more spoilerific so it all goes down there in the spoiler. I can say it’s an alternative way to acquire a certain color but I won’t say which one.

At Days 16 of 15, yes right, you’ll get a Port Report: Fallen London, losing 1 point of Iron in the process. When back in London don’t go to the Admiralty, but to the Brass Embassy. They will get your Port Report, and you’ll get a Lump of Blue Scintillack.

That’s all that I have discovered as per now, the Shops are not working right sometimes and even reloading won’t help at times so I’ll wait 'till they get patched before looking at all of them and see the options.

If you have discovered anything else write a post here, all the information about this terrible place is welcome.
edited by tyrrelduckard on 8/2/2014
edited by tyrrelduckard on 8/2/2014