The prices in Irem are bugged for Fuel and supplies. I can purchase them just fine but if i can only sell them for 0 echos. It would be nice if there were varying prices to buy/sell fuel and supplies to keep the barter game a bit more entertaining. Accidently clicking sell and not even getting a single echo for my trouble just losing the goods feels a bit harsh. Not to mention a Zailor may need just a little bit extra echo for that final secret purchase etc. It would help the game become a bit more fluid as well.
Every shop that sells an item but doesn’t buy it lists its price as zero echoes - it’s just how the engine signifies “we won’t buy this.”
Indeed, but in some shops (or all? I haven’t played SS for a while) you can actually sell the items for 0 Echoes which is very unfortunate. That issue has always been there though, so I assumed FB knew about it and maybe wanted it that way…
Yeah, pretty sure they all do that. Basically, the onus is on the player to verify that they’re selling for the amount they want to sell for before they sell. I agree that greying out the button would be a nice QoL change, but I don’t know how hard it would be to implement.