Irem and the final chapter of Evolution

Hello, delicious friends. The final chapter of the Youthful Naturalist’s story takes place in Irem, and it will be available on Thursday, June 22nd.

If you’ve started this story but fallen behind, this is your notice to catch up. Last we left this story at the end of Chapter 5, you were set to wait for the Implacable Detective to contact you in London; the next chapter will begin through a guaranteed card draw in London. You’re ready for the final chapter if your ‘Associating with a Youthful Naturalist’ quality is 630.

Previous Zee locations have been accessible independently of chapters in the Youthful Naturalist’s story, but Irem and chapter 6 are a package deal. The City of Pillars will only fully open to you once you have concluded the Naturalist’s story. What you will find there is neither a linear story, nor a wheel.

It’s something unique in Fallen London, and one of the largest locations on the Unterzee. I suggest you don’t miss it – especially those of you who like to collect secrets, share discoveries, or tease out puzzles.


Ooh, now that sounds interesting!

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Will the baited riddle from the Advent calendar have a use?


I’ve wanted to visit Irem since the days when the impossible-to-obtain Green Glass Beacon-Lamp was a requirement to do so. It’s one of the most intriguing locations in the Neath, but I’ve always felt that it was underutilized in Sunless Sea. I’m very much looking forward to visiting, and to seeing what happens next in Evolution.

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While we wait, remember that there are important mentions of Irem during the Railway: Explore the metallurgical qualities of a Justificande - Fallen London Wiki and the result of this experiment. Wiki’s text limit offers all the relevant information. :slight_smile:


Oh man this is gonna be fun.

Uh, the destination is already available on the charts, but blocked by 22nd of June date and by an item from Evolution. :slight_smile:

Destination: Irem

Irem, the Pillared City. She will rise from the zee and the ice like dawn. She will be garlanded with red and decked with gold. The Seven-Serpent will watch you longingly from its high pedestal.

And at last, the story is coming to a close and our questions are made answered. Why our seven burned scrips would result in the arrival of a coffer in the Khanate, why the Baited Riddle was left at our door, and of course, what we will eventually be.

This is going to be very, very fun.

By this time tomorrow, we will have been to Irem.

Invitation to Linger, check.
Safe Zee-Lane, check (x5).
Baited Riddle, check.

Maybe I should stock up on some Parabolan Cartography items?


Zeefaring 6 is a given I assume?