Invitation to the Temple Club

Thank you very much!

Thank you so much! Now to figure out how to become a memberā€¦

It was a kickstarter reward, so no new membersā€¦

I would appreciate an invitation :).

I would love an invite!

I have one action left and am going to bed afterward; I have sent it to you, Milisa. Enjoy!

EDIT: I have found myself unable to send you the invite, Milisa, because you are not in London at the moment! Send me a PM and I will send you one later.
edited by cathyr19355 on 2/9/2018

I have just sent you one, since Milisa is currently ineligible. Enjoy!

I would love an invite as well, as I did not learn about Fallen London until my adventures in the Unterzee.

I am looking for more opportunities to connect with fellow roleplayers in Fallen London. An invitation to the Temple Club would be very much appreciated!

I sent invites to you two.

If anyone would be willing to send an invite to the Temple club, I would be very grateful.

Question: once one has gained admittance, if one leaves does one need another invitation to return?

Iā€™m afraid so, Shy. Try to do as much as you can inside the Temple Club before attending to other business.

well crud. This was a benefit for backing a kickstarter, was it not?

Would it be possible for me to get an invitation? Lady Jen Black is linked in the bio. If you need any menace reduction or other aid after that, please let me know! Thank you!

I, too, would love to return! Happy to help with menace reduction.

May I respectfully ask for an invitation to your fine club for an evening?

Iā€™m User766505.

If thereā€™s anything I may do to reciprocate the favor, please let me know.

I know its been years ago that they gave this out however fortune favors the bold iā€™d love to recieve an invitation if at all possible.

Iā€™d love to check the Temple Club out, if anyone wouldnā€™t mind sending me an invitation!

Assuming invitations donā€™t expire, I would appreciate one to hold onto.