Invitation to the Temple Club

I would also appreciate it greatly if an invitation were to be extended to me.

I would highly appreciate an invitation

Send me one if anybody wishes.


I’d love an invitation if any of you fine individuals have one to spare.


Sent to both. I assume Hobnail does want one.


Is it possible that you could procure an invite for me?

I, too, am looking for a pass to the Temple Club. I will send you a surprise gift in exchange!

If anyone would be able, I’d be sure to reciprocate and to give my everlasting thanks.


Could I please have an invitation? My curiosity is piqued. Thank you in advance!


Many thanks stranger!

I have heard much about this club (yet know so little about it) and would like to formally request an invite from any member who is willing to.

Invitation sent.

Why thank you for it. I really wish I had known about the Kickstarter when it was ongoing…

Would anyone be so kind as to send me an invitation? Thank you!

In all the time I’ve been in London, I’ve never once heard about this club. Would someone be generous enough to give me an invitation?