(an interactive fiction game jam)
Phase 1: Write a set of reviews for five games that do not (and possibly, cannot) exist in our universe. Send the list to my email (see link below) by December 13th, midnight EST.
Phase 2: You will receive a randomized list of five imaginary games created by other participants in the jam. You are to pick one (or more) and make
a sequel
a prequel
a fan fiction
a critical response game
a sidequel
a remake
a demake
a parody
an artifact of some genre category never before seen by humans
or if you are feeling bold and it is even practical, duplicate the game as described.
Send a link to your creation to my email by February 7th, midnight EST.
Phase 3: Games / works / strange shining artifacts will be shared to the authors (not yet to the public) at which point the next phase will begin. In lieu of scores and ranking, you will be given a list of 3 other works to either review or make some other sort of response to. This response can be textual, audiovisual, a card game which reveals your criticisms through play, directions for interpretive dance, whatever you like. You are welcome to respond to more than 3.
On February 24th, all works will be uploaded to if-archive for public enjoyment.
Phase 4: All responses (to the largest extent possible), along with excerpts from the original works chosen by the authors, will be compiled in a physical book. (To be published off Lulu.com, unless there is some better choice decided before then.)
More details here: imaginary games from imaginary universes | Renga in Blue
Bonus note: after starting the event, someone drew my attention to a very appropriate article by Alexis Kennedy:
edited by jbdyer on 12/1/2015