I'm "Unaccountably Peckish"... still needed?

Well, this is… weird.

I used to play Fallen London back when it was still Echo Bazaar and there was a cool, if difficult, story which started out by being &quotUnaccountably Peckish&quot. I managed to get that quality (and actually managed to keep it) hoping that more stories would emerge. But then life on the surface called me, and I couldn’t pursue the pleasures of the Neath, and I’ve came back only just so recently.

Now, as far as I know the story related to being peckish concerned seeking… someone’s… name? Not sure - I’ve never REALLY started on it. But I did read a post that the story has been removed or is no longer available. I’ve also learned that this story didn’t end well for the player (something I didn’t know at the time).

So… here I am, wondering if there’s any point in keeping this &quotmenacing&quot quality at all… Any hints?

The story will return eventually, but there’s no harm in getting rid of the quality. You can get it back later if you’re interested in Seeking Mr Eaten’s Name once the storyline is brought back.

While on the subject - any idea if, when the story does come back, it will be as destructive as before?

During Echo Bazaar days I was interested in it due to it’s somewhat “insane” nature (at least, this is what I knew about it). I didn’t know it was THAT destructive at the time…

Alternatively, are there any other interesting “unsettling” stories worthy of my interest which won’t end badly?

I never really considered it to be overly destructive to begin with, but now it’ll be supported in the same way as the rest of the FL content. Before it was &quotat your own risk&quot because it was updated as a personal project.

[quote=Ted E. Bear]While on the subject - any idea if, when the story does come back, it will be as destructive as before?

During Echo Bazaar days I was interested in it due to it’s somewhat &quotinsane&quot nature (at least, this is what I knew about it). I didn’t know it was THAT destructive at the time…

Alternatively, are there any other interesting &quotunsettling&quot stories worthy of my interest which won’t end badly?[/quote]
Anything unlocked with unaccountably peckish currently is unrelated to the name, but isn’t going to end as badly. they still offer terrible epa, and substantial menace increases, as well as what i would expect is a similar tone to the mr. eaten content in general.
edited by Grenem on 3/13/2015

And when SMEN comes back it’ll probably still offer lots of menance and the occasional significant stat drop. Not sure about the other consequences like the Prize Token thefts, the Nightmares thing, or the Searing Enigma thefts. If you’re looking for content that will give as much as it takes SMEN isn’t for you, but if you’re in it strictly for the lore then I found it very much worth it.

There is one bit of text from that old story I’d love to read.

Course, as you had to pay 50 fate AND be deleted I’m sure it’s a very rare piece of text indeed.

That’s… kind of the problem. I’m not an important person (yet), my stats aren’t THAT high, not to mention my wealth. A destructive AND expensive story wouldn’t be much fun for me, I reckon, simply because I don’t have the resources for it. (Note: I don’t mind rare stories as such, but there’s a difference between rare and slow… or between rare and one that makes you loose progress!)

It’s a bit sad, because it sounds to me like Mr Eaten is a really CORE part of Fallen London… for some reason. I can’t place my finger on why exactly that is. Perhaps it’s because of the &quotMr&quot prefix? Well, that and the supposedly dark nature of the story…

In any case, if there are similar stories (in tune, if not in subject), I’m very interested if someone can point me in the right direction.

[quote=Ben ]There is one bit of text from that old story I’d love to read.

Course, as you had to pay 50 fate AND be deleted I’m sure it’s a very rare piece of text indeed.[/quote]

Personally I’m interested in the OTHER text(s) available at the Carnival. Supposedly it was very unsettling indeed!
edited by Ted E. Bear on 3/12/2015

Not really central at all. Just oddly popular amongst a very devoted portion of the fan base.

As for your character, would it be allowed by the rules to make a second account simply to do Mr. Eaten, so you can destroy a character you have no real attachment to?

[quote=Ben ]There is one bit of text from that old story I’d love to read.

Course, as you had to pay 50 fate AND be deleted I’m sure it’s a very rare piece of text indeed.[/quote]
um… pretty sure the lines inside the parentheses are the complete text, and also that they were supposed to be. they clearly mentioned this on the option:
( )
edited by Grenem on 3/12/2015

[quote=Ted E. Bear]
That’s… kind of the problem. I’m not an important person (yet), my stats aren’t THAT high, not to mention my wealth. A destructive AND expensive story wouldn’t be much fun for me, I reckon, simply because I don’t have the resources for it. (Note: I don’t mind rare stories as such, but there’s a difference between rare and slow… or between rare and one that makes you lose progress!)

It’s a bit sad, because it sounds to me like Mr Eaten is a really CORE part of Fallen London… for some reason. I can’t place my finger on why exactly that is. Perhaps it’s because of the &quotMr&quot prefix? Well, that and the supposedly dark nature of the story…

In any case, if there are similar stories (in tune, if not in subject), I’m very interested if someone can point me in the right direction.[/quote]

It’s not that expensive in terms of resources until you start getting to the Candle section of the quest. Starveling Cats were the main annoyance during the first section (apart from poor RNG rolls, anyway), and they’re a lot easier to get now than they were back when I did it. By the time the story comes back you’ll probably be more established, and even if you aren’t you could take everything one little step at a time. I went into the story expecting things to be far worse than it actually was, so I ended up just finding it really fun.

I won’t say the story is for everyone. There are those who quit the quest because they got frustrated with it. I personally didn’t find it too bad, but that doesn’t mean you won’t. Still, if you’re interested in the content I would definitely recommend giving it a try once it comes back.

Yep, you can make an alt for it. :) I definitely did so. My main isn’t the sort of character who would get involved in this sort of stuff, so I created another character who would.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 3/13/2015