Identical moods don't stack? :(

Alternative title: HEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! :frowning:

I got both the Dusty Bookshop’s Alight with Passion and the Little Omen’s Alight with Passion at the same time, but now I only have one Alight with Passion mood! No fair :frowning: I want my cards baaaaaack :sob: boohoohooooooooo :sob: :sob:
:sob: :sob: :sob:

(Really though; this isn’t obvious at all to the player, since you can have two different moods concurrently. If identical moods are not additive, then each option on these cards should be locked if the corresponding mood is already active, so the card isn’t wasted.)


While I never thought that identical Moods would stack and would’ve been surprised if they did, it sounds like a good idea if Mood options were locked while the respective Mood is already active as you suggested. Maybe suggest it to Failbetter via email? It should be relatively easy to implement.


It probably just got overlooked when they added “boons”. They used to be hats , and you’ve never been able to equip more than one hat