I miss the plant cards

Which Lodgings do I have to live in to get cards about feeding and tending my giant plant?

Plant cards are not affected by lodgings. If your plant grows all the way up to level 19, then you stop drawing plant-related cards. You will only draw them again if your plant levels down. This can be accomplished by engaging in player-to-player plant battles, and losing.

I’m not even getting the ones about examining the fruit or feeding vicars to the plant anymore.

Challenge someone to a dual of plants. Then, lose. You will get those again.

All the plant cards stop appearing when you hit plant level 19. It doesn’t have to do with lodgings.

Those are the very early stages – level 3 or 4 I think. As you move up through the levels, you leave those behind anyway. And as other people have said: all you need to do is lose a plant battle, and they’ll be back again.

Frankly, most people are so sick of the plant cards, and bouncing back and forth losing progress in battles, they refuse to take part in any more skirmishes once they reach the longed-for level 19. The card texts are moderately amusing about your &quotvegetable&quot, but not enough to accept the frustration once you’ve seen them a few times.

As per my signature.

Those are the very early stages – level 3 or 4 I think. As you move up through the levels, you leave those behind anyway. And as other people have said: all you need to do is lose a plant battle, and they’ll be back again.

Frankly, most people are so sick of the plant cards, and bouncing back and forth losing progress in battles, they refuse to take part in any more skirmishes once they reach the longed-for level 19. The card texts are moderately amusing about your &quotvegetable&quot, but not enough to accept the frustration once you’ve seen them a few times.

As per my signature.[/quote]

No way, those are the very latest stages, when the plant is big enough to eat people.

I have never let myself get to 19, as I am an obsessive collecter of John the Baptist heads. Seeing as I have about 50 of the blessed things (having an entire row of them on the mantel above the fireplace makes for a great Christms decoration) maybe its time I knuckled down and actually tried to win the tournament.