I mean weasels are cool I guess

I know a number of Urchins who might enjoy some of my new house-mates, unfortunately I think it will be some time before I find a home for all 400+ of them…

I had a horrifying thought the other day; a non-insignificant number of the weasel hoard accumulated by this event are likely going to plants. http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Feed_a_box_of_weasels_to_the_plant


[quote=Kaijyuu]I had a horrifying thought the other day; a non-insignificant number of the weasel hoard accumulated by this event are likely going to plants. http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Feed_a_box_of_weasels_to_the_plant

Nah, don’t worry. They’ll all end up escaping anyways. They’re lucky little things, and us Londoners are unlucky little things. In combination, that means the plant’s never hungry when you’re feeding it, so your weasels will slowly escape, one at a time.

Of course you could just not even try to feed it. But where’s the sporting chance in that?

just went and bought 1111 weasels and as wonderful as it is I cant imagine keeping them for long since they don’t suit zorgans character at all any suggestions on what I should do with them when my neighbours at the brass embassy start (politely) asking me to get rid of them all?.

[quote=The Dark Gentleman][quote=Catherine Raymond]They are weasels, after all–slender and energetic. I bet the ones that have never died before scamper between the Neath and the Surface on a regular basis. :-)[/quote]But living in the Neath for any significant amount of time makes a return to the Surface impossible, regardless of whether one has died. Are you suggesting that weasels are, by their nature, above the rule of Law? That they can simply shrug off the will of the Judgments? That their physiology is inherently resistant to the power of those higher up the Chain?? …Actually that does make a lot of sense.
edited by The Dark Gentleman on 10/23/2017[/quote]

I think that you are mistaken; if you have not died in the Neath, the Surface is not foreclosed to you. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if weasels are, in fact, beyond the Rule of Law.

It’s a little of both - some people find exposure to the Sun fatal even if they’ve maintained good health in the Neath. Others manage to return to Surface life even after death in the Neath, with the right preparation.

I wonder if the option to give weasels as tribute in the labyrinth of tigers was originally planned to be included in the update, or was that a result of the fact that a large part of the player base bought huge amounts of weasels for this? Either way I find this hilarious.[li]
edited by Sajach on 10/31/2017

Chris mentioned at the time that it had to be a one-off card in order to not be economically unbalancing. Which I wondered at the time how just buying a lot of weasels could be unbalancing except for the player losing a lot of echoes all at once…

Which makes me think yes, this was already in the works.

The Boatman is gonna have a field day when one of us accidentally clicks that button…

That does explain that card…I was puzzled by it, but it does make some certain amount of sense.

Of course, I cannot remember having bought anywhere near 400 weasels…
Either they have, via meiosis or another means of propagation, accumulated within my dwelling, or that Ocular Toadbeast has provided a vast number of them…
Whilst it would be terrible to not investigate this mystery further, even science should have some limits.

You are reclining in an easy chair when suddenly their is knock as the door.

You open it. A tomb colonist. From Tanah Chook.

I have a message for you, from the other side of the river.

He passes you a message, in third city script.

“Stop with the weasels”

Well I for one just learned about this most amazing thing from another thread (the one about making up your own achievements) where my entries were perhaps not entirely suprisingly were weasel related - all I have to say on this matter is this is super great. For something that someone cooked up in a lunchtime moment apparently based on someone else’s mistype/click I now have a new mission personally and I think has likely brought joy (however temporarily) to alot of folks - Kudos for that - amazing what silly, simple things can do, and of course weasels are lovely - ahhhh…

[color=#ff9900]I mean with 400 weasels what couldn’t you do?[/color][/quote]
Favours for urchins inbound!

I loved this so much that it became pretty much the entirety of Phiri’s character…you can see by their mantlepiece that all they are is a Weaseller with Many Weasels known for their Weasels