I have some favors/renown questions

Ok, I will make it quick:

1: What is the max amount of renown I need per faction for actions (Barring the one time renown items at 40)? I shudder to think how much Renown Society I need for the Bazzar card and how hard it will to get vs the reward. DX

2: Some good ways to get favors per faction/maybe some optimum ways? I’m not sure what connected pet to get for example.

Personally I have Docks pet since I find their favours to be the most valuable. Revolutionaries favours are the most valuable in the game, but require drawing Calling in Favours in the Flit to actually cash in, so one can easily get enough favours from other sources without the pet.

Do you mean the Collection of Curiosities option on the Premises at the Bazaar’s card? The 4 scrap + echoes option at least doesn’t require any Renown or Favours, and I think that’s the best option on it.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 8/9/2017

[quote=Sara Hysaro][quote=Kylestien]
I shudder to think how much Renown Society I need for the Bazaar card and how hard it will to get vs the reward. DX

Do you mean the Collection of Curiosities option on the Premises at the Bazaar’s card? The 4 scrap + echoes option at least doesn’t require any Renown or Favours, and I think that’s the best option on it.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 8/9/2017[/quote]

Yes I do mean that one. The reward was not great to start with, but I’m curious what it is now.

20 Renown and 7 favours. Well, not that bad, I guess.