I hate eating here.

I swear, every time I try any story that in any way involves food, I gain at least one point of unaccountably peckish. If I wasn’t so curious about stories, I would enforce a &quotno food ever&quot diet on my characters.

Are you suggesting that going without food will make your character less hungry?

Chestnuts though are a proven appetite suppressant.

Fasting throughout the Feast of the Rose was the only way not to eat your heart out.

No, but the OP would at least be accountably peckish.

No, but the OP would at least be accountably peckish.[/quote]

Ironic on many levels, but yes, while my character would be hungry, he would never be peckish!

On that note though, I wonder if you can starve to death in the neath?
edited by Chrona on 3/16/2018

Sunless Sea confirms that you can.

Decidedly so, in fact.

[quote=Teaspoon]Sunless Sea confirms that you can.

Decidedly so, in fact.[/quote]

To be honest, I forgot about Sunless Sea (ironic, since it’s the game that brought me here), but on the other hand, we also know that death is…normal? on the water.

It’s food roulette! It makes eating interesting, at least.