I am working on a world in storynexus that is nowhere even close to being published, but I am running into an issue of being unable to "perhaps not" out of some cards. Any and all thoughts would be helpful. If anyone wants access to the world, more info, etc, just ask. Thanks!
I know that the Red Border cards are auto-run, and can’t be cancelled. The Cider dream cards can’t be Perhaps Not-ed out of. And the Bad End item requires a choice, at least last time that I checked it.
Just to make sure, I am working on my own storynexus world, I know and play fallen london, and I understand the red-bordered cards. My issue is that I can’t back out of one of my five storylets that I created, and I don’t know why.
I heard mention of a hidden "Must" quality in some Fallen London storylets. Perhaps the faulty storylet has that quality.
I don’t claim to be a Storynexus expert, but I felt like trying to help with my limited knowledge of the game structure. I mostly stumbled into here through the Unread Topic list, and felt like helping
edited by th8827 on 6/19/2016
I can’t see any separate qualities that have been changed on the card, but tell me your storynexus username and I’ll add you as a creator.
You’ve probably got either the urgency or stickiness set incorrectly; some combination should work! Feel free to add me to your world so I can have a look though. I can send you my StoryNexus user name via PM if you like.
The urgency is normal, and the stickiness is sticky. And sure, I’d be happy to add you.
I think if you set them to discardable rather than sticky that should work.
but I don’t want it to be discardable!
You may have to make a back-out option manually (like the way that you can’t back out of changing your title in Fallen London on the Urchins card unless you follow the 0-action thingy back to the main card).
edited by hesperidia on 7/21/2016