How to transfer Nex to a friend?

The FAQ says that there’s an option in Lodgings to transfer purchased Nex. I don’t see it. Help?[li]

Nex can be sent (in batches of 100) via the ‘Give a Gift! A commotion in the Square of Lofty Words’ card, which can be drawn under the ‘Write Letters’ storylet in your lodgings at the cost of 1 Nex. Alternatively you could just wait for it to show up in your opportunity deck, it’s not a rare card.

=/ I unhappily accept this answer.

There is another way if you are an Exceptional Friend, go to the House of Chimes and have a word with Mr Chimes. You can only send 100 Nex at a time though, but you don’t have to wait for the card or spend more nex to draw it.

You can’t transfer “nex” the general purpose storynexus currency. The options above convert nex into “fate” which can only be spent in Fallen London.

Sorry to resurrect this thread, but is this still the case? I was specifically interested in buying an Exceptional Friendship for another player, but is a quick and dirty 100 nex transfer my only option?

Yup. Or knock them out while they’re playing, grab their playing device, and while logged in as them purchase the required nex and make it so.
They may not thank you for this alternative.

Yes, this is still the case. You used to be able to send another player 10 Fate, but apparently that option was “exploited” (though I don’t know in what way). Now there’s only the 100 Fate option. Either through “Give a Gift” or Mr Chimes.

Yup. Or knock them out while they’re playing, grab their playing device, and while logged in as them purchase the required nex and make it so.
They may not thank you for this alternative.[/quote]

Ha! As amusing of an idea as that is, the cost of airfare rules out this option. Thanks for the answer though!

Some person figured it was fun to farm fate on alternative accounts and sending it to their main account.

Some person figured it was fun to farm fate on alternative accounts and sending it to their main account.[/quote]

Not only that, but when the option to get Sunless Sea kickstarter rewards via fate was opened, someone used fate farmed that way to get Sunless Sea and cancelled their participation in the kickstarter, so the fact that characters can get small amounts of fate for free and the can send them around actually ended up costing Failbetter money.