How to reduce Bizarre?

What are some useful ways to reduce Bizarre? Apparently, obtaining the Clockwork Drownie requires no Respectable, Bizarre or Dreaded, and I have a blemmigan tattoo which gives one point of permanent Bizarre - I have plenty of Bizarre items so it doesn’t need to be exactly Bizarre -1, if it’s minus something I can make up the extra - the wiki says that Irrigo Goggles that give Bizarre -1 can be bought from the Maundering Rat at the Rat Market, but they don’t seem to be there.

The viric suit/frock or one of the possessed animals are your best bet, assuming you have access to Parabola. The items sold at the Rat Market rotate on a fixed schedule. It looks like October 18 is the next time you can buy the goggles there. There’s also a card in the Nadir that can irrigo-infuse a Pair of Luminous Neathglass Goggles


If you can afford it, the Weasel of Woe is your one-stop shop for any kind of stat reduction you want, available conveniently at the Bazaar tab.

You just might want to make sure to unequip it as soon as you’ve done what you needed your stats lowered for.


The Woesel doesn’t affect BDR though.


A note: it also doesn’t matter if you go into negative BDR value; once it hits zero that’s all it tracks until it calculates again.