How to accept invitations?

I hope this is the correct forum, if not a hint for the correct place would be appreciated.

I can’t figure out how to accept social events - and I’m quite sure the problem is on my side, this happened twice with different events and different players.

When choosing one of the &quotaccept&quot options on an invitation the next screen is my contacts’ list, with all options greyed out stating &quotYou have no eligible contacts&quot.

What am I doing wrong?

[quote=LeibCenoo]I hope this is the correct forum, if not a hint for the correct place would be appreciated.

I can’t figure out how to accept social events - and I’m quite sure the problem is on my side, this happened twice with different events and different players.

When choosing one of the &quotaccept&quot options on an invitation the next screen is my contacts’ list, with all options greyed out stating &quotYou have no eligible contacts&quot.

What am I doing wrong?[/quote]
It may be that the player is not currently in London. You cannot accept a social action from someone who is currently Overzee or lost in the Mirror Marches.

Click on the &quotShow Contacts I Can’t Invite&quot option and look up the name of the person you’re expecting. My guess is that the name will be followed with [somewhere else]; even if it’s [lacks qualities], that will at least give you information.

Are you using the phone app? I’ve had issues accepting invitations from the app. Switching to the browser usually helps. Sometimes re-synching might help, especially if you have been elsewhere - like the Polite Invitation party - at the last resynch. But for some social actions I have never been able to accept from the app.

That’s an important point. The app has a well-documented history making just this sort of trouble with social invitations. I had forgotten, but if you use the app Tozh is probably closer to your problem than I am.

I also have this problem occasionally – where someone has issued an invitation and then gone on to do more interesting things. I have had to go back several times to pick up the invitation. It’s one of the disadvantages of the drawn-out process. When this type of 2-3 draw first surfaced during the election, a lot of people were not enthused. For myself, it means I hardly use any of my free evenings now, and chess matches are too tedious and the process too obscure to pursue.
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 12/7/2017

I get this all the damn time, often several times a week, and I don’t use the app. I really wish people would not send out social invites and then immediately make themselves unavailable for the reciprocation. It’s just rude, in my opinion. Okay, maybe some of these have accidentally triggered a menace state, but they can’t all be so incompetent as to be constantly doing that. If you know you are going to be away from London, for Pete’s sake don’t send out any invites until you get back. Please.

So for once I’m not to blame? An unexpected and pleasant surprise : )

I’m not using the app, but it seems the players &quotspammed&quot social event invitations and I was too slow to respond - the contacts details say &quot[needs qualities]&quot.

Thanks for the helpful replies!
edited by LeibCenoo on 12/7/2017

I recently issued bulk invitations to spar to ten people all at once and the realised that once I was involved in a scrap, anyone else who tried to accept my challenge couldn’t and got the ‘qualities needed’ message.