How much Notability is "enough" Notability?

I’m referring to the opportunity on An Unsigned Message to raise an attribute past the normal cap by your Notability, and then reset your Notability. I feel like I should get my Notability as high as possible before I do this…but then of course the higher I’ve gone before I take the plunge the farther I fall, and the longer it will take to rebuild that reputation. Considering the higher levels will probably cost me some expensive items, what if I can’t even afford to get it to a certain level twice?

I sort of assume at least some people have already done this. If so, how high did you raise your Notability before you did? Related to this, at what point have you found the next level of Notability to be impractical to achieve? A quick look at the wiki seems to indicate that people have made to at least 15.

Notability caps at 15, so that’s as far as people have gone. As far as raising it goes, it really doesn’t require expensive items, just persistence and dedicating yourself to grinding MW for several weeks. If you can pop a salon once or twice during the week, you can fairly easily get up to 10/11 Notability (depending on your BDR stats)

As Vine said, the maximum of notability actually attainable is 15.

But a couple of advices before you start aiming for the stars:

  • Stats over 200 are still drained when you go in the nadir. Be careful to step there, or you’ll have to grind notability again (So, in general, i would advice you to have get at least the fluke core, and the moth, possibly also a good collection of the items easily attainable there.)

  • A difference of 15 in a stat is not so really useful - if a check is so difficult that a total of 250 is not enough to have a good success probability, 15 more points will not make a lot of difference, actionwise (you can everytime try with the second chanche trick!).

There are two exceptions, for me:

  • the possibility of having 100% in a buccaneering approach in the forgotten quarter.
  • The Scholar of correspondence, which need a LOT of watchful. But it has no effect (yet) over 14.

This said, if you wish to get a huge amount of notability, my best guess would be to overcharge your Scheme: salon (or orphanage) and gain some “spare” notability in advance through Suppers and cards (A rather decadent evening is pretty good, if you have a high scandal. Usually, it nets me 7 cp for an action).

When you’ll be at notability 8-9, it’s time to use as a madmen all the scheme you have.

Of course, having a maximal brd (20 for the not-fate locked) helps a huge lot.

Thank you both for your thoughts, and for that particular bit of news about the nadir…I have not actually been there yet, due to a lack of eyeless skulls, but it’s good to know that I may as well put off any plans of raising stats past the cap until I do get there.

I sort of wish I had gone for Persuasive instead so I could have &quotEngage in Commerce&quot at 100% (with my most Persuasive items I fall just 3 points shy), but I was hoping to be better at Watchful things…including Archaeology, which means I was indeed going to approach those particular hurdles in the wrong order. = P

[quote=hwango][quote=Andrea Serafini]

  • Stats over 200 are still drained when you go in the nadir. Be careful to step there, or you’ll have to grind notability again (So, in general, i would advice you to have get at least the fluke core, and the moth, possibly also a good collection of the items easily attainable there.)

Thank you both for your thoughts, and for that particular bit of news about the nadir…I have not actually been there yet, due to a lack of eyeless skulls, but it’s good to know that I may as well put off any plans of raising stats past the cap until I do get there.

I sort of wish I had gone for Persuasive instead so I could have &quotEngage in Commerce&quot at 100% (with my most Persuasive items I fall just 3 points shy), but I was hoping to be better at Watchful things…including Archaeology, which means I was indeed going to approach those particular hurdles in the wrong order. = P[/quote]

On the bright point, while Extraordinary Mind lacks any special options (And while I miss one of those A LOT, if the other one’s just the chance to romance Slowcake’s Amanuensis, I very happily leave it to somebody else -.-&quot), the chance to raise Scholar of the Correspondence at otherwise impossible levels makes for a good bragging item, a very cool stat (basically it makes you just short of a Neathy wizard proper), and MAYBE it could be useful in the future ^^

77 Notability.