How far have you advanced the Liberation of Night?

I ask because through the occasional Luminosity trade and selling some Skull I have now… 13.

Is it too high? Will I be disproportionately responsible for that particular disaster coming down?
Also, are there any good sources of Scarabs, without trading from wax?

After a while at minutely and a bit longer at something a bit less than a little, you end up just advancing it in the normal way, unless you avoid the Revolutionaries altogether. I’ve made my peace with it.
Scarabs are available on Bullbone, if you have access. Not in huge numbers, just one stage, and around 15 each time.

Thanks for the tip on Bullbone Island.
(Although I will never get enough Scarabs to pay for 770 Mourning Candles for purposes best not known, lol)

I am still curious for how far other people have advanced the Liberation, though.

I think it caps at level 40? It’s one of the options for London’s Sinew (The others being 50 lethal duel wins or influence >90).

I have “Advancing the Liberation of Night” at 19.

Nowadays, I can upconvert Luminosities and trade in Favours with the Revolutionaries without increasing my character’s &quotAdvancing the Liberation of Night&quot by even a single CP.

That’s the benefit of having &quotAdvancing the Liberation&quot at 50.

For a very long time, I resisted LoN (initially because roleplay reasons) - but after getting a glimpse at the future (Sunless Skies) I’m not so worried about it.
I like to think that my character has begun to adapt, as I have, to the notion.

I’m aiming to get towards 40 LoN for London’s Sinew, but for now I have 11.

It caps at 50, not 40. But yes, I used it as key to the Paramount Presence (which does open at 40, yes)

[quote=Kittenpox]For a very long time, I resisted LoN (initially because roleplay reasons) - but after getting a glimpse at the future (Sunless Skies) I’m not so worried about it.
I like to think that my character has begun to adapt, as I have, to the notion.

I’m aiming to get towards 40 LoN for London’s Sinew, but for now I have 11.[/quote]
That is exactly the way my character and I feel about LoN. Thanks for your post on that.

I’ve advanced it Zero times.

19 for me.

I am at SEVEN Advancing the Liberation of Night. Most of it is luminosity up-trade.

You can also get scarabs and plenty of them by fiancing the expedition at the Docks. Which lets you avoid pesky LoN!

I used to avoid it like the plague, even being terrified of getting a point, but now that the Language of Laces is out…

Time to doom the Neath for some boots.

Only 46. Feels kind of low.

Already 16, far too much. I wish I could reset it to 0 I wish I were able to make it negative even. I’ve heard you can reset it, anyone knows how?

I am not sure how to reset it, maybe a choice in The Empress’ Shadow?

[quote=Honeyaddict]Already 16, far too much. I wish I could reset it to 0 I wish I were able to make it negative even. I’ve heard you can reset it, anyone knows how?[/quote] Lost in Reflections, I believe.

You turn in July to the Masters.

Time to catch up with things so let us start!
I’m at 42, but it’s special because 10 CP where gained from two Renown increases, and about 10-15 more from various things like Cinder and skulls.
The rest up to 903+ was gained from calling favours the Flit! :D