How does one save once in port?

I’m playing in Unforgiving, and I’m not clear on how I’m supposed to save. The last two times I quit, I lost quite a bit of progress on the assumption that it would autosave. Reading closer, it sounds like it only autosaves when I dock at a port. Is that right?

In that case, to save once I’m in a port, do I have to leave and re-dock? That seems silly. I tend to end a session with returning to London and seeing what’s new. After that, should I leave port, return, and then quit?

I assumed it would work more like a roguelike, where saving exits the game (and vice versa).

Saves happen automatically when you dock. If you want to have what you did in port save you will have to disembark and re-dock. So, yes to your questions ;). I do think the save mechanic needs some tweaking.
edited by GerbilSchooler on 10/22/2014