How do I find Time, The Healer?

I want to find Time, The Healer, because I need a free evening. I am new to this game.

Time the Healer is an event that happens once a week, if the server clock is running smoothly. It arrives at a slightly different time for everyone. You’ll get free evenings, recover somewhat from menaces, and get your pay for whatever profession you have, assuming you’ve started a training profession.

It will show up on the messages tab, and you should also get an email when it happens.

Have you already used up all your Free Evenings? You should start with 5. Or maybe not your very first week, but I thought so.

I can confirm that new characters no longer get free evenings from the get-go. I was very confused as to why I couldn’t send a protege a lesson until that finally clicked into place.

What do you mean by starting a training profession? Also, no, I don’t start with five.

The Training Professions should be a storylet in your Lodgings. There’s one training profession for each of the four qualities, and at the end of a week you will get a reward and an increase in that quality, until it hits level 70. Once you have a 70 in everything, you can start looking for one of the more specialized professions.

[quote=TheDapperHobbit]What do you mean by starting a training profession? Also, no, I don’t start with five.[/quote]If you started recently it seems like you are automatically assigned a training profession depending on which area you first chose to escape to from New Negate prison. So you really just have to wait until a week has passed for Time, the healer to come about with 5 x Free Evening, 5 Echoes worth of payment, and 250 CPs in whichever attribute is the theme for the area you escaped to. If you regret your choice you can change it before you cash in your payment, and the payment will then be applied to your new training profession once you choose one. (The payment storylet will be gone before you’ve chosen a new profession, but it will reappear.)

And unless they’ve changed it, the cap is at 71. That is, you get the 250 CPs if your unmodified attribute is not over 70.

I admit, I did jump to a connection based profession early, I’m slightly regretting it as it’s slowed me down.

The base “career” professions aren’t too troublesome to get back, as long as you hold onto the proper connected card when it comes around. You can always go back to training professions until you get everything to 71.

[quote=Frensus]The base &quotcareer&quot professions aren’t too troublesome to get back, as long as you hold onto the proper connected card when it comes around. You can always go back to training professions until you get everything to 71.[/quote]They do cost 325 CPs worth of connection though, which might take some work to get back.

Thank you everyone. It worked.

If you fancy yourself a Midnighter and have completed your affairs with a certain cheese connoisseur in Spite, you can always buy a cipher ring and become a Watcher quickly enough - and so forth, for the other profession tracks. Notability is the real currency of professional advancement. If anything, it’s the few permanent choices that I find restricting - though perhaps to dramatic effect. My character turned against the Cheery Man in outrage that he would treat a family member as he did. For that reason, if he ever wants to be a licentiate he’ll need to spend time among Revolutionaries.