How do I contact an Admin?

sorry, i know this is a bit of a stupid question. i just can’t find anywhere any way to (their usernames, emails, ect). it seems one of my posts in the salons is glitched and unreadable, i don’t really know what to do :p

It looks like you managed to fix it already, but in case anyone comes across this problem: the forum takes the text you input in each message and formats it in HTML, and then it URL encodes it. This conversion happens right before the message sends (or an edit is made), but if you send the message again while it’s in this form, it creates the jumbled mess. That means you have to go backwards: decode the URL-formatted text, then convert the outputted HTML into text again.

For URL decoding and HTML to text.

[quote=Azothi]It looks like you managed to fix it already, but in case anyone comes across this problem: the forum takes the text you input in each message and formats it in HTML, and then it URL encodes it. This conversion happens right before the message sends (or an edit is made), but if you send the message again while it’s in this form, it creates the jumbled mess. That means you have to go backwards: decode the URL-formatted text, then convert the outputted HTML into text again.

For URL decoding and HTML to text.[/quote]

Haha, thanks! That makes sense.