Help tracking down my aunt and the blind pianist


I am in need of some help. Shortly after my arrival in the Neath, I made two acquaintances–the Blind Pianist, and my Maiden Aunt. It has been some time now since I have heard from either of them. I have spent nearly a week searching through every part of London that is open to me, including searching through my opportunity cards, and have yet to find any leads on their whereabouts.

I’m currently sitting at &quotThe Blind Pianist and the Sallow Spirifer 1 - Favouring the Pianist&quot and &quotInconvenienced by Your Aunt 1.&quot Does anyone know where to search for the continuation of these stories, and if there are some prerequisites that I might be missing? My skills are in the 55-75 range, is that too low?

Both story progress with cards. You will have to wait before they show up in your deck, I’m afraid.

The Aunt will be back. And back. And back…

Good to know! I suppose I’ve just been pretty unlucky. Thank you for your help!

I’m glad, she seems like a lovely woman.

I’m glad, she seems like a lovely woman.[/quote]

In the end, she can lead to a very useful card, so hang on in there.

I’m glad, she seems like a lovely woman.[/quote]

In the end, she can lead to a very useful card, so hang on in there.[/quote]

There’s one particular ending that leads to the useful card, so if that matters to you, you should get the ending that has her working with Mr Wines.