Help in need of first city coins!

I have a monkey with somewhat of a gambling problem. After trying to raise the buy in funds for his next game over the past three, I am hitting a bit of a brick wall.

I am short by 50 coins. Could anyone see fit to take pity on my dear monkey and sponsor his next session?

What is your Fallen London character’s/account’s name?

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You’re going to need a more than generous amount of Coins to complete Heart’s Desire. If you’re already a Person of Some Importance, you can start stockpiling them by playing the Counting the Days option in the card “An unusual wager”. Further options can be found in the wiki:

Of course, you can always ask others, like you are right now.


Thank you, my name is Higswin.

Grettings, I only need them for the laboratory because I accidentaly dismissed the Numismatrix, before I could finish the storylet, and now I am stuck :sweat_smile:.

There are certain ways to get First City Coins in-game. In London, via the Bone Market or as a gift from the Capering Relicker… but the best way is to go Diving in the Magistracy of the Evenlode!

But how can i get to the bone market if I haven’t finished The Dean Again? Like I mentioned before I’m stuck because I accidentally dismissed the Numismatrix (I wasted 50 coins) which I need to finish the story so I can use the laboratory. And I’m still far away from the railway story. I don’t have enough resources yet to transform items which have a chance of giving you first city coins. So for now I’m a bit stuck with the laboratory. So I decided to try here if anyone was willing to help and send me some coins.

Fair enough, I’ll send you some coins :smiley:

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Ah. Don’t worry. I did that, too. But it’s alright, you’re getting help; all shall be well.

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