Did not see one, since the recent change. If there is a guide in this forum, please link it at the comments and I’ll close this topic.
This is meant to be a nice and easy source of information on how to gain Hell’s favours.
It will be updated according to your info.
(Thank you very much - those who power the Echo Bazaar’s Wiki, for the initial information!)
Gives Favours: (all gives one favour unless stated otherwise)
Carnival - The Big Top. Gives Favours and Renown if Renown is under than 5
The Western Tower: a Guest Room at the Brass Embassy - Permit an Upcoming Bureaucrat entertain a client
Hell’s faction card - Attend a lecture at the Brass Embassy. Also gains +1 scandal.
An afternoon of good deeds - An afternoon of mischief!. Also gains +1 scandal.
A Polite Invitation - The Brass Ambassador - bumps into you on the street outside (2 Favours), asked you to bring a certain document along (1 Favour)
One infernal evening [needs no Your Very Own Contract, and An Intimate of Devils 2-5] - Accept the Invitation
Connection Pet - [Needs a verification]
Closest to: Hell - [Needs a verification]
Mark of Credits - Find an unusual home for your Mark of Credit Page
Polythreme: Spying on Polythreme carrusel - Report to the Brass Embassy
Used to give connections - Doesn’t give favours any more:
Spirifer’s Fate locked story - Alas, not an easy source for connections anymore…
Sell Information - Pass information to the Brass Embassy
Converting Favours to Renown:
Brass skull item - Raises Hedonist (from renown 15+), lowers Austere. Finally a good source for 10+ Hedonist which isn’t the Feast of the Rose! edited by Gonen on 6/4/2017
So when going to a party, with a bot of luck, one could gain in a single party up to: 3 Favours from Hell, 2 Favours from Rubbery men, 1 Favour from Docks. edited by Gonen on 6/2/2017
That would be quite a bit more luck than I ever have. I haven’t had the Docks favour from a party for months, and I can’t remember when Sinning Jenny’s Finishing School last gave me a favour. I seem to be perpetually unlucky. :)
Ended up with 50 renown when it changed (I’ve sold nearly enough souls to buy 1/2 a cider!) so that is greyed out 'til there’s a way to get 300 persuasive.
Got 14 hedonist from Feast of the Rose anyway, and I guess there’s always the option to ‘consume’ more typewriters if I want 15.
[quote=Gonen]So when going to a party, with a bot of luck, one could gain in a single party up to: 3 Favours from Hell, 2 Favours from Rubbery men, 1 Favour from Docks. edited by Gonen on 6/2/2017[/quote]
It’s one of the storylets about dancing. The rewards for a successful outcome is luck-dependent though; the player may not get the Favour: Dock at all. edited by Rostygold on 6/3/2017
[quote=Cthonius]I’m unfamiliar with that option, worth sailing to Polythreme for it?
Also does anyone know if the Iron Republic gains favors?[/quote]
Lets just say that polythreme is an apt place to put hell favours. And when I ran through IR I did not see any favours (of course,that doesn’t mean they aren’t there)