Is there some way to raise Hedonist from 10 to 12 now, if the featuring in the tales of University is 40 already?.. It seems like all the routes are already nerfed at 9 or 10.
Any tips or ideas would be appreciated.
I think "Drowning prudence in Passion" in the court can get you up to 15. Not that it’s easy.
Drinking enough Laudanum may also do it. And perhaps there’s a way in the iron republic.
But there aren’t all that many ways of going about it, if any of these still work. edited by suinicide on 1/22/2016
The end of Flint has a one-time option for this, but I wouldn’t recommend playing it just for that. If you have a spare however much fate it is a great story though.
For Hedonist 10 to 12, you need access to one of the following:
the University’s first term carousel[/li][li]the Empress’ court[/li][li]the Melancholy Curate and his sister (during A Name Signed with a Flourish 3)[/li][li]being a Shepherd of Souls willing to repeatedly sell your soul (Fate-locked)[/li][li]an intimate of devils 7-9 (costs 2 Fate per 5 CPs of Hedonist)[/li][li]any unfinished main-stat trackers[/li][li]the Feast of the Exceptional Rose (only in Feburary)[/li][li]uncompleted Dashing Smuggler or In Search of a Stiff Drink[/li][li]the end of Flint
Happy to give more details about any of the above, but it depends on what you can get to. It’s possible to lock yourself out of all of these (well, except the seasonal Feast, which will always come around again)
[quote=metasynthie]For Hedonist 10 to 12, you need access to one of the following:
the University’s first term carousel[/li][li]the Empress’ court[/li][li]the Melancholy Curate and his sister (during A Name Signed with a Flourish 3)[/li][li]being a Shepherd of Souls willing to repeatedly sell your soul (Fate-locked)[/li][li]an intimate of devils 7-9 (costs 2 Fate per 5 CPs of Hedonist)[/li][li]any unfinished main-stat trackers[/li][li]the Feast of the Exceptional Rose (only in Feburary)[/li][li]uncompleted Dashing Smuggler or In Search of a Stiff Drink[/li][li]the end of Flint
Happy to give more details about any of the above, but it depends on what you can get to. It’s possible to lock yourself out of all of these (well, except the seasonal Feast, which will always come around again)[/quote]Hmm, there are many option, let’s see whether i am locked out of them or not:
–Past University carousel already[/li][li]–Banished from the Court[/li][li]–Past A Name Signed with a Flourish 3 (i am at 7 already)[/li][li]–Not a Sphepherd of Souls[/li][li]–Past intimate of devlis 7-9 (15 already)[/li][li]?? any unfinished main-stat trackers[/li][li]++ The Feast[/li][li]-- completed both Smuggler and Stiff Drink lines[/li][li]?? the end of Flint
So i am really interested in details about the Feast opportunities (it is almost upon us), and regarding main-stat trackers or the end of Flint options (not sure whether i am locked out of those already or not).
Intimate of Devils: It doesn’t matter that you’re past 7-9, because if you’re anywhere below 20 you can lower the Intimate quality as well as raise it. You should be at the point where you’re drawing cards involving devils trying to persuade you to let them abstract your soul. If you refuse them completely, it should reset your Intimate quality back to 8. At that point, if you draw the "A game of croquet" card and choose the option that costs 2 Fate, you’ll gain 5 points of Hedonist. That’ll require 10 Fate total to get you to 12.
The End of Flint: This is the exceptional story from last month. If you didn’t already start it, the only way to get to this route is to purchase access to Flint when it becomes available in the Fate store. It will no doubt be expensive, but it’s a pretty interesting story with lots of rewards – and at the end, you can exchange all your Austere for a high level (14) in Hedonist.
Main Stat Trackers: These are the things like "A Name Signed with a Flourish" which you already have at 7 – so that one is finished. If you have any of the others (A Name Whispered in Darkness, A Name Writ in Seven Secret Alphabets, A Name Scrawled in Blood) at below 7, then you might be able to gain Hedonist by following the "Making Your Name" storylets until you go up a tracker level and choosing a hedonist-sounding option. You may want to consult the wiki for more information.
The Feast of the Exceptional Rose: This is coming up soon, so you’re in luck – you have to go to Mrs. Plenty’s Perfumed Pleasure Garden, "Enjoy the decadence" there and hope for a rare success – which could take a lot of tries. Average probably around 250 attempts to get Hedonist up to 12, but it could be a lot more. Alternately, you can go to Dante’s Grill during the Feast and pay 2 Fate to bribe the maitre’d. This should give you 5 CP of Hedonist per 2 Fate spent, just like the croquet match. The benefit there is that it’s automatic, not a rare success.