Hearts' Game

If you won at least one round over the course of Season One, you’ll get a bronze medal;
If you won at least seven rounds (across any number of runs), you’ll get a silver medal;
If you got at least one trophy – that is, if you won at least seven rounds in one run – you’ll get a gold medal.

I find she works well as a third with Teeth and Roots, to clear my hand when I get them in the wrong order.

Playing with the new guys, and so far Skin and Ribs are getting the job done consistently, albeit for a pretty hefty action sink. Does…does Poison Tolerance actually do anything? Is it effectively just a second Elusiveness bar?

In the first season, Elusiveness was two things - it was a timer (game ends at elusiveness 8) and a penalty (the progress that you get from most actions decreased as elusiveness increased). Now, they’ve split that up into two timers - the game ends when you hit Elusiveness 8, and the progress from most actions decreases as you go up in Poison Tolerance.


As far as I can tell the wizards of the wiki are still figuring out all the bits and pieces of the new season but I want to share one insight: Tallow has become sort of usable. With KT 17 and Skins on the team I’ve just won the first round of a new run using mostly Tallow for progress. It was at elusiveness 7 but I won. The third accomplice was Ribs. Although he has no particular sinergy with the others, Ribs does okay progress and his preparations are meager compared to Tallow’s 7 and 8, so even if he fills my hand when I’m looking for Skins (early in round) or Tallow (late in round) he can still be of use. I am a bit disappointed though that Tallow’s 8 preparation card only does 9 cp of progress if I tracked things properly. I received 6 cp of progress at poison tolerance 3.

Later edit: Other observations: Roots seemed a bit nerfed but still good to me in a 7/7 win run with him. The real champ this season has so far been Skins for his tremendous ability to garner poisonous preparations.

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Watchful team is great. High PPrep buildup and spending. Good third member for them is probably somebody with PPrep on both cards without checks (Liver, Loins…).
My fastest win so far with Elusiveness 4, almost as good as in previous season.


The Knight of Ribs (a gleefully violent Tomb-Colonist woman implied to be from the Fourth City) sounds a lot like one of the Mercies. It makes me wonder if any of the other accomplices are recognizable characters.

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Didn’t have much luck with any of the new accomplices. Tried a few combos but couldn’t find anything all that good. Ended up just using the Teeth, Roots, and Loins combo from last season and got a 7/8 run. Now that we know you really only need one trophy to get all the medals at the end of the season I think I’m done with this.

Really? I’ve been finding the Watchful cards tolerable, but slow.

I’m having decent results with a no-prep team centered around Teeth. I don’t think I’ll get to 7/10 wins since I’m currently at like 4 wins 2 losses, but with a bit of luck around card draw and poison tolerance it wins. It’s missing Roots so it’s not great; I think Teeth, Roots, Loins would still be an easy win team, but it’s now harder to draft. Or Teeth, Roots, and anything else with a decent no-prep action.

[edit]oops, that’s exactly the team suggested by johnlucci above.

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I had a run of good luck with Roots, Skin and Tallow. Ran much smoother than any build I tried previously.

My impression about Watchful duo: fast, but not too reliable. I lost one game (finishing run 7/8), but two wins were with 4 elusiveness.

I like the Game because it’s a cheap, fun way to gain 312.50 Echo items quickly.


After several abandoned runs I’ve just had 2 successes using Skins to fuel Spines or Tallow (Skins/Livers/Spines and Skins/Roots/Tallow with 90% for both Shadowy and KT checks). 14 wins from 14 and only a couple which got tight. I think Skins + King is the strongest tactic I’ve found so far - spam preparations as fast as possible so you can use lots of the high prep/high progress options. This worked especially well with Tallow & Roots.

I’m not a massive fan of the using the Knight cards to gain progress - the mid range progress options become unwieldy pretty quickly as tolerance rises. I might not be using them correctly, but I’ve found more than once tolerance has risen quite quickly early on and rendered the progress gain low enough that I can’t keep up. They can be useful early on, but I’ve been better off focusing on getting heavier hitters teed up. I think Lures might be in the same category, though I haven’t tried pairing him with Skins yet. There’s a lot of randomness around tolerance gain, but it can be a killer if you gain it too early with the reduced progress gains this season.

Roots combos very nicely with Tallow (provided you have a good prep source), but the no-challenge option seems less appealing now as it isn’t guaranteed to outpace elusiveness. Last time around he was in almost all my teams (when possible), now I’d probably only pick him if I had other KT members.

I am currently running Dangerous duo + Roots. Drawing PPrep options is low probability, but if RNG provides you can use prep 2-4 moves. If Pprep is not coming, basic strategy is to use no-check options. You have two moves for early game that strong but highly affected by Tolerance. And two moves for late game that ignore Tolerance but raise it.
You can run this team with no checks, but endgame Dangerous provides slightly better chances, and KT17 is even better.

Currently running the all-pages team! Page of roots, page of lures, page of teeth. No checks, no prep, 6-0 so far. Strategy is to play Teeth until you get 2 poison tolerance, then roots the rest of the way.

After this gets me my one trophy I’ll go back to hunting for a team that actually uses the prep, see if I can make that Skins combo work…

[edit] Yep, completed the fairly easy 7-0 run. Pages, roots, and anybody who can make progress with no prep is still a winning combo.

I guess that makes sense. They changed around how the prep works, but the overall timeline is still the same.

Lures, roots and skins are working nicely for me, all wins with them so far. After struggling with the last round of heart’s game this is quite satisfying.


Yep, I also got a win with skins, roots, and some third that I tried to almost never use (ribs).

So that’s two winning teams I’ve been able to find so far. Teeth, roots, and a third; skin, lures, and a third. Skin with their 2-prep actions seem like they could support someone else besides Lures, but the watchful pairing is real nice.

Bless the good ol’ knight of skin for making tallow viable. Couldn’t use him at all last season but just got a win with Skin, Tallow and roots.

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I have been using a “classic” KT team (Tallow, Talons, Livers) and finding Tallow useless. By the time Prep is high enough to use his big options, he can’t outpace Elusiveness with the drag from Tolerance. Thanks for the tips on Knight of Skin, I will try that. It’s odd, though, to even have an accomplice like Tallow where he needs another specific accomplice to work, but with the “base” mechanics (Prep) is unusable. I don’t waste any time getting Prep up, either. My Shadowy is high on the outfit with 16 KT, so I can hit nearly all the time when drawing Livers 2x Prep card. Even so, a few random increases of Tolerance and Tallow is helpless.

I don’t understand what the justification is for the target randomly gaining the Tolerance quality. It would seem to make more sense if they gained it from our actions trying to poison them, which they also do - but the random increases seem too high currently.

Overall this mini-game is becoming a waste of time. It was marginally useful for getting some rarer items last season, but now it’s just too random with the new accomplices muddying the draw, and the random Tolerance increases. I still have a Hellworm to buy, so I won’t be wasting much more time on this.