Hearts' Game

Didn’t we already have that when we reached Hell?

There’s a Bessemer turn-in in Hell? Does it require, e.g. more than four or five visits? I don’t think I found it.

It’s a Railway Tracks turn in, actually. It does require you to have built a statue in Marigold, but that’s unrelated to your number of visits.

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Oh wait I remember now, I was conflating that with the Great Sink reconstruction, which had a handy purge option for excess bessemer. But that was a limited time deal, obviously.

What’s the fastest you all have gotten a win? I just scored in 8 actions using spines/livers/roots (though I only played cards from the first two), I think that’s about as quick as I’ve managed as yet.

I haven’t been counting actions, alas. But Livers/Roots/Spines is one of my favorite combos. Putting in Loins for Spines works too. In fact, I like it better because Spines’ Kataleptic Toxology attacks require more Preparation, and it’s possible to fall behind the Elusiveness curve and lose.

Just now I won in 9 actions. Progress was 8.6 and Elusiveness 3.0 by the finishing move.

…okay, this is weird. I just let the Page of Teeth beat the piss out of my opponent on literally every action to win. Just chose to options to pummel him again and again. The opponent didn’t even gain Elusiveness until the VERY LAST round. After all the clever tricks. After all the Preparations gained. The round in which I just let this man straight up pummel another man in an ostensible poisoning competition was by far the one I won with the biggest gulf in scores.

Has anyone else done this? Is the Page of Teeth secretly the best assist character? Or did I just get a really weird blessing from the RNG?


A head’s up: the new chapter of evolution pretty quickly hands you a new KT item! I’m really struggling with Heart’s Game (not a strategist) so this is very welcome.


Just don’t try KT team / options. Even with 17 KT not worth it. I had easiest runs with Shadowy and no-checks teams.


I had that happen once too. I was doing a Spines/Loins/Livers run and the first elusiveness popped just as I finished the target off. Think I got that kill in 7 actions.

Edit: Whoops, misread what you meant. I still stand by Tallow, any King-player really, being the weak link of any team.

Disagree. Spines is a G.

Finally figured the game out a couple turns into a run, managed to win 6/10. Hmmph.

What makes it a G to your opinion? Synergy with Livers (both being shadowy and it’s ability to give 2x prep)?

Otherwise, I agree with Captain Bloodstorm: with these high prep cards, by the time you have enough prep, the elusiveness of the target is generally high enough to kill your progresses…

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My best runs have all been with Spines & Livers, and I’ve won several rounds where Spines is my only source of Progress. I agree with Koschei, he’s my go-to breadwinner.

To use MOBA parlance, the King accomplices are both Carries. They can do all the damage themselves, but they have a weak beginning and work best with support. Livers is that support.

My experience is that Tallow is too far in that direction. Maybe it’s a gear issue or a skill issue, but I don’t think there’s enough support in the game currently for him to be reliable. I have won rounds with him as my main stick, but not reliable enough to earn a medal.

Agree with psgarak and Mr. J about Tallow. I don’t find him useful because he needs too much prep to be useful; by the time he’s ready to rock, your opponent will have eluded him.

Shadow team with Livers for fast prep building and Spines for high prep moves is fastest to win, but not very reliable (at least with my 304 shadowy = 91%).

KT17 team with Roots as main “mover” and others for building prep (to 3) is super reliable, but not fast to win.

Tallow is currently odd one out, I don’t want him in ANY team, while all other could be good at least in one.

Some random thoughts on the game :

  1. A lot is at stake during team selection. Either you draw cards that supports a winning strategy, or you don’t.

  2. What’s funny is that to optimize your EPA, you should have a lousy team. Since you get exploits whether you succeed or fail on an action, it’s better to minimize “useless” actions (such as choosing a team).

  3. However, a good team will increase the amount of trophies. An even better team will win fast. Who knows if the trophies will remain a vanity quality or not…

  4. I don’t really like the Queen of Loins. A support character with such a small deck is just a liability. Refreshing the deck only to draw the two Loins cards is useless…

  5. I expect the cottage to be managed by different Masters over time, and that it might affect available accomplices and start checks :) who could we have? Mithridacy with Pages ? AotRS with Stones?

Anyway, really enjoy the activity. It’s profitable, located in London, and doesn’t feel repetitive!


What he said.

Spines hits big and you can easily win just by using his Singularity card and Livers’ Calculations (or Roots’ no-prep attacks) for some extra damage where appropriate.