Hearts Desire Finale Help

At Hearts Desire - Marvelous Conversation with Mister Pages

Ambition: Heart’s Desire is 210, Marvelous Deck is 100, and Marvelous Venue is 1. Not sure where to go from here as nothing else has opened up with Mr. Pages and no other areas in Fallen London have anything new! So what is the next bit to continue along?

Have you talked to teh other players? You advance in the venue bit by talking to them.

But really, you could check the wiki for this.

Checked with all of the players (I’m reasonably sure) and the wiki wasn’t super clear on what to do. But thanks! Will try again to see what I’ve missed.

I guess more specifically how do I get the card (Wrack your brains) to trigger/locate it? Thanks again and appreciate.

But, I have finished my deck and gotten the players. ‘A Marvelous Venue’ is set to 1 and I am not sure how to advance it or where to go to get looking for a venue to start up if it’s somewhere in one of the rooms or a specific thing I’m missing. Really do appreciate it - how do I get that particular storylet going so I can start on it?
edited by wedgek on 5/2/2020

Do you have all six Pointer qualities? Check MYSELF tab. After that storylet should appear in Your Lodgings.
edited by Waterpls on 5/2/2020

Given I’m not sure what ‘Pointer’ qualities are I’m guessing that I don’t… So I guess time to go and seek to where to get them. Thanks!

Look at this for example. https://fallenlondon.fandom.com/wiki/Ask_about_his_preferences_regarding_the_venue

You talk to player, you get pointer. When you have all six you could decide on venue.

When I go to each of them I get ‘Ask what thier heart’s desire’. Have I not triggered that particular thing then (The Venue side of the quest)?

Also thanks so much for the help.
edited by wedgek on 5/2/2020

You need to go back to conversation with Mr Pages Storylet. From their your character will come up with the answer. Unfortunately you have to wait for the oppurtinity card to go to the actual location. Which is what I am currently stuck on

The Pointer qualities were visible at first, but they’re hidden now. The only way to tell now, I think, is checking on all six players and see if you have any option other than to ask what their heart’s desire is. Remember that the Manager’s storylet is normally hidden if you don’t have Nightmares 5.

After getting all six pointers you can chat a bit again with Pages where he prompts you to figure out the best venue in the next storylet (which might be Lodgings only, I can’t remember).

After that it should be straightforward enough. You then can chat with Pages if you need reminder of where the next step is located and what you’ll need.

When I go to all the pointers all I get is ‘ask their heart’s desire’ and that’s it - not seeing any others when it comes to that. But still not seeing ‘seek a venue’ so wondering if I’m missing something somewhere. Thanks! Will see if can get NIghtmares 5

You can go for Nightmares 4 and buy a mushroom hat!

If you have the Focused Albatross, that’s one true level lower too.