Hallowmas: Confession Trading

Sure! Just drop me a message for the trade, and I’ll accept it as soon as I get it! :)

I offer:

I need:
edited by Francium on 11/3/2020

I offer Violence or Curiosity for Whimsy,
edited by zceryll on 11/3/2020

I’m done trading, all confessions spent!

I have every confession yet I cannot get enough Dock favours to recruit Tracklayers or anything else…the Hallowmas seems to end soon, so feel free to contact me if you need anything!

If you want Violence: call SevenPlath
If you want Whimsy: call EllyCopper
Other confessions: both young ladies are willing to help!

Please friend either of them! Want more delicious friends!

Edit: Got way too many messages! Sorry for the delay of reply as I may be at the other side of Earth from most of you guys :( Sorry that I could not make every offer I got, plenty of Curiosity and Pride are still available, though.
edited by SevenPlath on 11/4/2020

Edit: HUZZAH! I’ve achieved all the confessions I need! Minus the ones for the honey-bear, I suppose, but I haven’t been hunting enough to catch him in the first place, so it barely matters. Now if only the damned Rubbery Man Favours cards would show up more than once a week! I seethe at the idea of spending money just to grab a couple more favors to gather another Rubbery Bell Ringer after I upgraded my last one the previous year, but I will have my Rubbery Army yet!
edited by birb on 11/4/2020

I need a Confession of Impropriety and can only offer a Confession of Violence.

All done!
edited by gnostechnician on 11/4/2020
edited by gnostechnician on 11/4/2020

I have Curiosity and need Violence.

Estimated friends,

I find myself in the need of two Confessions of Guile and one Impropriety and am willing to trade them for Curiosity.

edited by Framun-Re on 11/4/2020

I’m looking to trade Curiosity and Pride to get Violence and Guile. Thanks in advance.

[quote=SevenPlath]I have every confession yet I cannot get enough Dock favours to recruit Tracklayers or anything else…the Hallowmas seems to end soon, so feel free to contact me if you need anything!

If you want Violence: call SevenPlath
If you want Whimsy: call EllyCopper
Other confessions: both young ladies are willing to help!

Please friend either of them! Want more delicious friends!

Edit: Got way too many messages! Sorry for the delay of reply as I may be at the other side of Earth from most of you guys :( Sorry that I could not make every offer I got, plenty of Curiosity and Pride are still available, though.
edited by SevenPlath on 11/4/2020[/quote]

new edit:
Now they’ve replenished!
SevenPlath has 1 more Whimsy to offer, and EllyCopper has 2 more Whimsy and 1 more Violence.
Plenty of Curiosity and Pride.

Still I cannot draw the right cards to get the Dock favour…SAD
New to London, didn’t know that I should save favours before Hallowmas…Spent almost every single one before it came…

If you want confessions, sorry that I can only reply 8h later.
Anyway, hope their generosity can earn them good fame in London!

I am done with my trades and have the following confessions:
*) 2 curiosity

Will be trading them for whatever. Will update the list as I get other confessions.
edited by Desirée on 11/5/2020

I have: 1 guile, 3 curiosity, 2 impropriety, 3 pride, 1 violence. Trade me whatevs.
edited by Deacon Bail on 11/5/2020

New edit: no more Whimsy now! I guess I’ve already offered seven of them…【seven is the number???】

I have 2 Curiosity and 4 Pride to offer

My alt EllyCopper has 5 Curiosity and 1 Guile

Take whichever you want~

Friend me please!

[quote=SevenPlath][quote=SevenPlath]I have every confession yet I cannot get enough Dock favours to recruit Tracklayers or anything else…the Hallowmas seems to end soon, so feel free to contact me if you need anything!

If you want Violence: call SevenPlath
If you want Whimsy: call EllyCopper
Other confessions: both young ladies are willing to help!

Please friend either of them! Want more delicious friends!

Edit: Got way too many messages! Sorry for the delay of reply as I may be at the other side of Earth from most of you guys :( Sorry that I could not make every offer I got, plenty of Curiosity and Pride are still available, though.
edited by SevenPlath on 11/4/2020[/quote]

new edit:
Now they’ve replenished!
SevenPlath has 1 more Whimsy to offer, and EllyCopper has 2 more Whimsy and 1 more Violence.
Plenty of Curiosity and Pride.

Still I cannot draw the right cards to get the Dock favour…SAD
New to London, didn’t know that I should save favours before Hallowmas…Spent almost every single one before it came…

If you want confessions, sorry that I can only reply 8h later.
Anyway, hope their generosity can earn them good fame in London![/quote]
edited by SevenPlath on 11/6/2020
edited by SevenPlath on 11/6/2020

I need Violence.
I offer Curiosity.

EDIT: Done, many thanks!
edited by dab777 on 11/5/2020

I just need one more Violence. I can trade Curiosity or Pride.

edit: Done, thanks!
edited by Henricus on 11/5/2020

I’ve got 3 Curiosity, 1 Guile, 1 Impropriety, 2 Pride and 1 Whimsy.
Need none, will take any in return
edited by Neal Rame on 11/5/2020

I’m quite desperately looking for a confession of Whimsy or Guile (x2)! I can offer you Curiosity, Impropriety or Pride.

Some of my acquaintances have Confessions to trade and do not care what they get in return.

Vegemite (Profile - Fallen London) has:
2 Curiosity

Snort’s Wallet (Profile - Fallen London) has:
2 Curiosity
edited by Snort on 11/5/2020