Hallowmas: Confession Trading

Someone out there is hoarding violence. I could seriously use 2 Violence, and will trade anything for them.

Done, and thanks!
edited by Snort on 10/30/2020
edited by Snort on 10/30/2020

Have plenty of Curiosities to spare. Need a couple of Whimsies and one Guile.

update: done, my gratitude!
edited by Foglet on 11/1/2020

i have spare Guile, Pride and Curiosity to trade looking for Impropriety and Whimsy. would also take Violence

Seeking: Guile or Violence
Have: Impropriety and Pride

For Trade: 1 Impropriety, 1 Pride
edited by 0bsidian Fire on 10/30/2020

Hello! I am seeking one guile.
I have a pride, 2 impropriety and 2 curiosity to spare.
edited by Dobrynya Nikitich on 10/30/2020

Done. Good luck to everyone with their trading!
edited by Kerim on 10/30/2020

Down to needing Guile. Can produce Pride, Curiosity, or Whimsy in exchange.

And done, I think, for now.
edited by Snort on 10/30/2020

Hello! (Updated!)

I’ve gotten everything! Thanks everyone!

edited by unkemptarmada on 10/31/2020
edited by unkemptarmada on 10/31/2020

Got everything! Thanks everyone!

edited by Vaski on 10/31/2020
edited by Vaski on 10/31/2020

I’ve managed all the trades through the three masques. Thanks!
edited by Bonny Kate on 10/31/2020

Done. Thanks everyone!
edited by happerlee on 10/31/2020

Happy Hallowmas everyone! I (like so many who have posted already!) need a Confession of Violence. I have Pride, Curiosity and Impropriety to trade.


1 Curiosity


1 Violence
edited by Max Lloyd on 10/31/2020
edited by Max Lloyd on 11/1/2020
edited by Max Lloyd on 11/2/2020

All done!
edited by Baron Lagavulin on 11/1/2020


All done! Have a great Hallowmass!
I’m off to meet the fools prostate…
edited by sashaC on 11/2/2020

Delicious friends, its seems Londoner’s are more improprieticious than whimsical this Hollowmas, therefore I must make the courteous request for a trade.

1 Impropriety
1 Violence

For Whimsy

Seek Villads, or my associalites: Rosalee and Bazaario for possible Guile and Curiousity
edited by CaptainNemo on 10/31/2020

I have
-3 Curiosity
-1 Guile

I need
-2 Whimsy
-2 Impropriety

Thanks in advance.


Thanks everyone for exchanging!
edited by zommuter on 11/2/2020

Edit: I’m good on confessions now, thank you!
edited by blacknovelist on 11/5/2020