Hallowmas confession tracker

I had a rudimentary tracker for confessions, but this year I gave it an upgrade and made it public. Here it is!

If you log in with your Google account, you can make a copy of it and use the checkboxes to plan accordingly. Remember that 7 more confessions will be available next week.

I have a piece of paper :)

Actually I was vaguely hoping for a trade-tracker. So far people have sent me requests for things I really want to keep or have already spent by the time I get the request. I’ve sent out one request, but no reply yet (it was recent)

want: 1x impropriety
will trade: 1x whimsy
edited by Bluestocking on 10/27/2021

I use a handy txt file.

I already know exactly what I want. Hopefully I get lucky when I receive the 7 more confessions next week.

Trading is always better (faster) than going through the masque conversion carousel.

Trading at Hallowmass has become pointless. The carousel still nets Spirit, so you’re advancing.

Help yourselves out.

[quote=Toran]Trading at Hallowmass has become pointless. The carousel still nets Spirit, so you’re advancing.

Help yourselves out.[/quote]Oh, the confession trading stories. Thanks for reminding me of those!

[quote=Toran]Trading at Hallowmass has become pointless. The carousel still nets Spirit, so you’re advancing.

Help yourselves out.[/quote]
This makes things much easier. Thank you. I did get my trade that I’d asked for, but I accidentally fat finger late night traded away one that I needed.

To the carousel! I need my Pirate Poet!

[quote=Toran]Trading at Hallowmass has become pointless. The carousel still nets Spirit, so you’re advancing.

Help yourselves out.[/quote]

Supposed you’ve already hit 2500 Spirit but you still lack the Confessions you want.

That’s when trading or conversion at one of the three locations is necessary.

It’s only necessary if you really want to avoid getting Knight of Hallowmas, or are extra conservative with your actions.

Is there any downside to getting Knightof Hallowmas? I understand that it’s just some fancy title, a mark of achievement.

[quote=fishandchips]Is there any downside to getting Knightof Hallowmas? I understand that it’s just some fancy title, a mark of achievement.[/quote]It has no uses and we don’t know if it will have any.
But here in the Neath, such vanity titles are highly prized.

Anyone have Guile and/or Curiosity? I have a Pride and a Violence I’d like to trade.
edited by Captain Blood Storm on 10/31/2021

I have an excess of 1x Pride and 3x Curiosity. I need 1x Violence and 3x Guile.

The manual conversion from Curiosity to Guile (or vice versa) is very tedious and takes the longest journey. Trading directly helps a lot.

This is from the Hallowmas thread: