Hallowmas 1896: The Mystery of the Rosers

Rather disappointed that there’s no option for if you have all the companions this year…


…I’m fine, really. If you need me, I’ll be sitting on my hoard.[/quote]

…not as in, literally sitting on all the poor creatures plus the judges, I hope.

Same situation here, I usually enjoy collecting fish during hallowmas but none this year (in retrospect, this may have contributed to the ‘this event didn’t feel like an event’ situation I was complaining about elsewhere

One’s public has been updated for a few hours at least. Being the Ambassador does not appear to confer more Making Waves, as my results so far have been within the 4-7 CP range of past years.

[quote=Jolanda Swan][quote=MidnightVoyager]PETS FOR THE PET GOD, I OBTAINED THEM ALL.

…I’m fine, really. If you need me, I’ll be sitting on my hoard.[/quote]

…not as in, literally sitting on all the poor creatures plus the judges, I hope.[/quote]

It’s very soft up here.

Wait, what’s this about a mysterious confession I’ve apparently discovered?